我正在嘗試創建這個http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-coordconvert/-軍事網格參考系統的可視網格。我有緯度/經度UTM同時也MGRS ......其中Ar無法循環播放對象
17牛逼330649 4689666
但是從MGRS當進入北緯我得到如下: [[email protected]
public class CoordinateConversion {
public static void main(String args[]) {
CoordinateConversion test = new CoordinateConversion();
CoordinateConversion test2 = new CoordinateConversion();
test.latLon2UTM(35.58, 82.56);
System.out.println(test.latLon2UTM(42.340837, -83.055821));
test2.latLon2UTM(35.58, 82.56);
System.out.println(test2.latLon2MGRUTM(42.340837, -83.055821));
CoordinateConversion test3 = new CoordinateConversion();
test3.latLon2UTM(35.58, 82.56);
//System.out.print(test3.mgrutm2LatLong(42.340837, -83.055821));
MGRUTM2LatLon mg = new MGRUTM2LatLon();
String MGRUTM = "17TLG3064989666";
//for loop to be developed
public double[] utm2LatLon(String UTM) {
UTM2LatLon c = new UTM2LatLon();
return c.convertUTMToLatLong(UTM);
public double[] mgrutm2LatLon(String MGRUTM) {
MGRUTM2LatLon c = new MGRUTM2LatLon();
return c.convertMGRUTMToLatLong(MGRUTM);
public double[] convertMGRUTMToLatLong(String mgrutm) {
double[] latlon = {0.0, 0.0};
// 02CNR0634657742
int zone = Integer.parseInt(mgrutm.substring(0, 2));
String latZone = mgrutm.substring(2, 3);
String digraph1 = mgrutm.substring(3, 4);
String digraph2 = mgrutm.substring(4, 5);
easting = Double.parseDouble(mgrutm.substring(5, 10));
northing = Double.parseDouble(mgrutm.substring(10, 15));
LatZones lz = new LatZones();
double latZoneDegree = lz.getLatZoneDegree(latZone);
double a1 = latZoneDegree * 40000000/360.0;
double a2 = 2000000 * Math.floor(a1/2000000.0);
Digraphs digraphs = new Digraphs();
double digraph2Index = digraphs.getDigraph2Index(digraph2);
double startindexEquator = 1;
if ((1 + zone % 2) == 1) {
startindexEquator = 6;
double a3 = a2 + (digraph2Index - startindexEquator) * 100000;
if (a3 <= 0) {
a3 = 10000000 + a3;
northing = a3 + northing;
zoneCM = -183 + 6 * zone;
double digraph1Index = digraphs.getDigraph1Index(digraph1);
int a5 = 1 + zone % 3;
double[] a6 = {16, 0, 8};
double a7 = 100000 * (digraph1Index - a6[a5 - 1]);
easting = easting + a7;
double latitude = 0;
latitude = 180 * (phi1 - fact1 * (fact2 + fact3 + fact4))/Math.PI;
if (latZoneDegree < 0) {
latitude = 90 - latitude;
double d = _a2 * 180/Math.PI;
double longitude = zoneCM - d;
if (getHemisphere(latZone).equals("S")) {
latitude = -latitude;
latlon[0] = latitude;
latlon[1] = longitude;
return latlon;
所以我想循環,所以我去東(東)和北(北),不能超過我有一點 - 緯度/經度的點。
謝謝, -Terry
重寫正在嘗試打印的類中的'toString()'。 – csmckelvey 2014-12-06 18:30:08