for(int j = 0;j<recPtr->numThreads;j++){
recPtr->heads[j] = 0;
recPtr->tails[j] = 0;
headsPtr = &recPtr->heads[j]; // Get the address of the index of the array, one element for each thread for heads.
tailsPtr = &recPtr->tails[j]; // Get the address of the index of the array, one element for each thread for heads.
threads.push_back(thread([headsPtr, tailsPtr, timesToToss]()
for(int k=0;k<timesToToss;k++)
if (Tosser(dre)) ++(*headsPtr);
else ++(*tailsPtr);
})); //Toss a coin!
for (int j = 0; j < recPtr->numThreads; j++)
recPtr->heads[j] = 0;
recPtr->tails[j] = 0;
headsPtr = &recPtr->heads[j]; // Get the address of the index of the array, one element for each thread for heads.
tailsPtr = &recPtr->tails[j]; // Get the address of the index of the array, one element for each thread for heads.
threads.push_back(thread([j, headsPtr, tailsPtr, timesToToss]()
for(int k=0;k<timesToToss;k++)
if (Tosser(dre)) ++(*headsPtr);
else ++(*tailsPtr);
})); //Toss a coin!
提防誰自稱「專家」,當談到++ ...... – Brian
......或任何其他語言太C的訪客。打電話給其他人一個專家,沒問題。自稱,不。但我不確定我是否明白你想要什麼。你想如何使用j? – deviantfan
在那裏理解了你 - 從我的角度來看,他/她解決了我花了一個多星期的時間看起來很困難的多線程問題,所以也許「比我更專家」更準確。我叫他們是專家。 – NonCreature0714