2017-04-11 35 views

我有一個python/bokeh應用程序,我在其中顯示多個人的時間序列數據,爲每個人單獨繪圖。這些地塊被放置在一列中。隱藏在用戶輸入 - 自定義JS的散景的情節?


我有很多個人,我在看,說26.因此,當我啓動應用程序時,我有一個26個地塊的列,這是一次很多比較。 (請理解,這是一個虛構的例子,僅用於溝通,我的項目要求我不覆蓋同一圖形中所有人的數據,我知道散景使我們能夠通過圖例在圖中「隱藏」和「隱藏」圖層如果我將他們繪製在同一個圖中,但我不能這麼做)。


用戶在CheckboxGroup小部件中的選擇,我需要交互地隱藏或顯示情節。我認爲應該有一些CustomJS的做法,但我不知道如何。我知道我們可以使用Javascript更改對象的可見性,如下所述:Show/hide 'div' using JavaScript



import string 
import random 
from bokeh.plotting import figure 
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column 
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput 
from bokeh.models import Range1d 
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show 

data= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)])) 

checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10]) 
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string") 
ind = {} 
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase): 
    ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize') 
    ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y") 
    ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43) 
    ind[f].title.text = f 

p = column(*ind.values()) 

inputs = widgetbox(*[order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed') 

l = layout([ 
      [inputs, p], 
      ], sizing_mode='fixed') 


curdoc().title = "test" 

注:Python 3中和背景虛化的最新版本。


import string 
import random 
from bokeh.plotting import figure 
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column 
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput, Select 
from bokeh.models import Range1d, ColumnDataSource 
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show 

data1= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)])) 

data2= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(870)], "y": [random.uniform(140, 200) for x in range(870)]} for i in range(26)])) 

select_data = Select(title= "Select dataset", value= "data1", options= ["data1", "data2"]) 

def data_update(attr, new, old): 
    for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase): 
     print(select_data.value + '\n\n') 
     data[f].data= dict(x= globals()[select_data.value][f]["x"], y= globals()[select_data.value][f]["y"]) 

data= {f: ColumnDataSource(data= dict(x= data1[f]["x"], y= data1[f]["y"])) for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase)} 

checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10]) 
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string") 
ind = {} 
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase): 
    ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize') 
    ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y") 
    ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43) 
    ind[f].title.text = f 

p = column(*ind.values()) 

def checkboxchange(attr,new,old): 
    plots = [] 
    for aind in checkbox.active: 
    l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

def orderchange(attr,new,old): 
    # check the checkbox 
    chval = [] 
    for aind in checkbox.active: 
    # change the order if all the values in the string are also plotted currently 
    orderlist = [order.value[i] for i in range(len(order.value))] 
    if(len(set(orderlist+chval)) == len(chval)): 
     for aind in orderlist: 
     l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

order.on_change('value', orderchange) 
checkbox.on_change('active', checkboxchange) 
select_data.on_change('value', data_update) 

inputs = widgetbox(*[select_data, order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed') 

l = layout([ 
      [inputs, p], 
      ], sizing_mode='fixed') 

plots = [] 
for aind in checkbox.active: 

l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

curdoc().title = "test" 




import string 
import random 
from bokeh.plotting import figure 
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column 
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput 
from bokeh.models import Range1d 
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show 

data= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)])) 

checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10]) 
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string") 
ind = {} 
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase): 
    ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize') 
    ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y") 
    ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43) 
    ind[f].title.text = f 

p = column(*ind.values()) 

def checkboxchange(attr,new,old): 
    plots = [] 
    for aind in checkbox.active: 
    l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

def orderchange(attr,new,old): 
    # check the checkbox 
    chval = [] 
    for aind in checkbox.active: 
    # change the order if all the values in the string are also plotted currently  
    orderlist = [order.value[i] for i in range(len(order.value))] 
    if(len(set(orderlist+chval)) == len(chval)): 
     for aind in orderlist: 
     l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

order.on_change('value', orderchange)    
checkbox.on_change('active', checkboxchange) 

inputs = widgetbox(*[order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed') 

l = layout([ 
      [inputs, p], 
      ], sizing_mode='fixed') 

plots = [] 
for aind in checkbox.active: 

l.children[0].children[1].children = plots 

curdoc().title = "test" 

感謝一個例子!你的答案有效,但我的問題稍微複雜一點。你能看看我的問題中的更新嗎? –


好吧,堅持不懈地回答你的問題,所以你應該接受它。無論如何,我認爲你的改變仍然有效,由於數據量和情節數量的原因,它會變得相當滯後。也許有更好的解決方案,但它可能會變得更加複雜。當情節沒有加載,你等了很久還是他們只是凍結 – Anthonydouc


抱歉,我忘記接受答案。我會盡力等待。 –