問題是,我正在遷移到原生iOS Phonegap應用程序,它依賴於很多標記(大約300到400,並且滯後很多),其中一些可以被用戶禁用(按組) ,刪除標記時會出現問題,它們中的一些仍然像鬼一樣,它們的地圖屬性設置爲零,並且沒有觸摸事件被觸發(我讓它們設置爲執行搜索)
//parses some data, and retrieves some more to create the markers
func procesaMarcadores(retorno: [String:Any]) {
//skiped a lot of previous code
if let servicios = retorno["servicios"] as? NSArray {
//a simple cycle to iterate through data recieved
for item in servicios {
let items = item as! NSDictionary
//lazy, easy, and dirty way to retrieve latitude and longitude, must change
let latitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_latitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
let longitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_longitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
let foto = self.urlFotos + String((items["foto"] as! NSString))
//new marker
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitud, longitude: longitud)
marker.userData = foto //a simple string with a url to use latter in the next view
//setting mapView in main thread just for safety?, don't wanna mess something
marker.map = self.mapView
marker.icon = imagenChica //custom marker image
//storing the objects in dictionary
let tipo = items["id_tipo_servicio"] as! Int
var arregloServicios = dicServicios[tipo] ?? []
dicServicios[tipo] = arregloServicios
//updates markers, gets new data for markers, and deletes markers
func actualizaMarcadores(marcadores: [Any]?, seleccionado: Int, perfil: Int?){
//lots of deleted code
//deletes markers group if variable noSale is set to delete markers of the group of the variable seleccionado
if noSale {
//asynchronous delete just to be safe?
DispatchQueue.main.async {
//whiping markers from mapView
var arregloServicios = self.dicServicios[seleccionado]
for i in arregloServicios! {
i.map = nil
//releasing a bit of memory
self.dicServicios[seleccionado] = nil
//already tried not deleting the marker objects
嗨@zxinik檢查它,你能下來減少的問題成片的代碼,其他人可以在他們的機器測試?從您發佈的代碼片段中很難看到究竟發生了什麼。 – paulvs
你的英文很好,但請養成用大寫字母開始的句子,並把人稱代詞「I」表示爲首都。無論公平還是其他方面,如果他們看起來像是急於寫信,或者在首都太難以打字的移動電話上,帖子可能會被低估。 – halfer
只是讓製造商內循環,並設置'製造商= nill'刪除製造商 –