app.post('/reply', function(req, res){
var commenterId = req.body.userId; // this is the id of the original commenter, not the replier
User.findOne({'_id':commenterId}, function(err, user){
user.send({'replied': req.user._id}); // this is what I need to do, and
//I don't know if this specific code works and that's why I'm asking if there is a way to do it with socket.io,
// io.to(socketId).emit('reply', 'some reply text here...'); // but if I do this I don't know how to get the socketId!
//Is there even a way to do this? Maybe with another module,
//or some express function I don't know about? And if it is done with express how would
//the client side code, look like? Thank you!
哦,還有一兩件事,我怎麼可以綁定一個socket.io用戶ID與明確的用戶ID?也許像一個JSON對象,但我怎麼用一個得到另一個? – Jim
你需要一個查找表,一個帶'commenterId'鍵和socket.io連接值的對象。您在創建可回覆數據時進行更新。 – dandavis
好吧,但是如何將快速用戶標識和socket.io用戶標識保存在一個JSON對象中。我需要將express用戶標識「附加」到socket.io用戶標識,但我不知道如何使用express來獲取它(socket.io用戶標識)。而相反,我不知道如何使用socket.io用戶標識獲取快捷用戶標識。我能以某種方式做到這一點嗎? – Jim