可以使用.NET中包含的ReachFramework.dll從WPF打印由Microsoft XPS Writer打印驅動程序創建的XPS文件格式。通過使用WPF進行打印而不是GDI,可以將XPS文檔頁面嵌入到較大的打印文檔中。
XpsDocument xpsDoc = new XpsDocument(filename, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
var document = xpsDoc.GetFixedDocumentSequence().DocumentPaginator;
// pass the document into a custom DocumentPaginator that will decide
// what order to print the pages:
var mypaginator = new myDocumentPaginator(new DocumentPaginator[] { document });
// pass the paginator into PrintDialog.PrintDocument() to do the actual printing:
new PrintDialog().PrintDocument(mypaginator, "printjobname");
public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
if (pageNumber >= pageCounts[i])
pageNumber -= pageCounts[i];
return FixFixedPage(children[i].GetPage(pageNumber));
if (pageNumber < PageCount)
DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
var dc = dv.Drawing.Append();
dc = dv.RenderOpen();
DoRender(pageNumber, dc); // some method to render stuff to the DrawingContext
return new DocumentPage(dv);
return null;
private DocumentPage FixFixedPage(DocumentPage page)
if (!(page.Visual is FixedPage))
return page;
// Create a new ContainerVisual as a new parent for page children
var cv = new ContainerVisual();
foreach (var child in ((FixedPage)page.Visual).Children)
// Make a shallow clone of the child using reflection
var childClone = (UIElement)child.GetType().GetMethod(
"MemberwiseClone", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic
).Invoke(child, null);
// Setting the parent of the cloned child to the created ContainerVisual
// by using Reflection.
// WARNING: If we use Add and Remove methods on the FixedPage.Children,
// for some reason it will throw an exception concerning event handlers
// after the printing job has finished.
var parentField = childClone.GetType().GetField(
"_parent", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (parentField != null)
parentField.SetValue(childClone, null);
return new DocumentPage(cv, page.Size, page.BleedBox, page.ContentBox);
我們做了類似的事情,但首先將PDF渲染爲位圖 - 當使用高質量庫和高DPI值(最少305,最佳1200)進行渲染時,會產生質量問題,這會降低一些內存/性能... – Yahia
我注意到有一天,PDFCreator(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/)雖然主要針對PDF創建,但實際上可以用來將PDF文檔打印成各種格式,包括SVG和位圖圖像。也許值得一瞧。 –
這些PDF往往是一些線條藝術的文字。他們也會在一次運行中打印1000次以上。將30 KB PDF轉換爲5 MB位圖可能會使整個打印隊列癱瘓。 –