#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() //main function
// Body of the main function starts here.
double c5,c0,semitone_ratio,frequency; //Defining the middle C, the lowest note in MIDI, the ratio and frequency.
char message[256];
int midinote = 0;
char* result;
semitone_ratio = pow(2,1/12.0); //Calculating the semitone ratio.
c5 = 220.0 * pow(semitone_ratio, 3); //Calculating the Middle C Frequency using A5 = 440 Hz and raising it up 3 notes.
c0 = c5 * pow(0.5,5); //Calculating C0 by shifting it down 5 octaves
//User Interface
printf("Enter MIDI note (0-127) : \n");
scanf("%s", message);
printf("%s", message);
if(result == NULL){
printf("There was an error reading the input");
return 1;
if(message[0] = '\0') {
printf("No input detected");
return 1;
midinote = atoi(message);
if(midinote <0){
printf("Sorry - %s is a bad MIDI note number", message);
return 1;
if(midinote > 127)
printf("Sorry - %s is above the range needed", message);
frequency = c0 * pow(semitone_ratio, midinote);
printf("The frequency for the %d MIDI note is %f\n",midinote,frequency);
return 0;
,結果而不是消息(char *
- >處理常見問題),但同樣的錯誤。我究竟做錯了什麼?
請妥善縮進代碼。 – davmac
'結果'已經過測試,但從未分配過一個值。你的編譯器應該警告你。 – tofro
'gets()'函數已折舊多年,並在最新的C標準中完全刪除。建議使用'fgets()'來讀取一行輸入。 – user3629249