2011-05-08 63 views


  • 我試圖從服務器通過HTTP下載多個文件(但不是SSL)在ASP.NET頁面中,但其中一個文件未被下載;它返回一個錯誤:operation timeout

  • 當我嘗試通過HTTPS下載此文件時,它運行良好。

  • 我試圖使用普通HTTP使用其他軟件下載文件,並且收到相同的錯誤消息。



通過HTTPS下載有什麼問題呢? – 2011-05-08 12:41:31


也許你已經將s3服務配置爲只允許HTTPS連接,除了使用HTTPS有什麼問題? – Chad 2011-05-08 12:44:00


沒有錯..但我認爲在HTTP中的請求傳輸速度比https ..雖然我想知道這個問題的原因 – Hiyasat 2011-05-08 13:30:51



if (The file is executable file)

May be because the web server for some EXE files resides on doesn't send a
Content-Length header. If this header is absent, the only way you can determine if the download is complete is "when the bytes stop coming", i.e. the TCP/IP connection is closed or times out. If the connection quality is low, this may very well happen prematurely.

But why this not happened in Https? Thats because http has bigger waiting time and smaller receiving time. https on the other hand has smaller waiting time and bigger receiving time.

The http port on the shared hosting server is more busy, thus a request stays longer in the queue until is accepted by the server.

On the https port there is less traffic on the server so the request is serviced faster.
