public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter a valid 10 digit ISBN Number ");
string isbn = isbnChecker.DestabilizeIsbn(Console.ReadLine()); // Normalizes the input and puts it on string "str"
if (isbn.Length > 10 || isbn.Length < 9) // If the string length is greather than 10, or smaller than 9
Console.WriteLine("The number you have entered is not a valid ISBN try again."); // Print invalid number
else if (isbn.Length == 10) // If the length is 10
if (isbnChecker.CheckNumber(isbn)) // If function CheckNum return "true"...
Console.WriteLine("The number you have entered is a valid ISBN");
else // If it returns "false"...
Console.WriteLine("The number you have entered is not a valid ISBN try again.");
else // Else (If the number is NOT greater than 10 or smaller than 9, NOR is it 10 -> If the number is 9)
Console.WriteLine("The Check digit that corresponds to this ISBN number is " + checkIsbnClass.CheckIsbn(isbn) + "."); // Print the checksum digit
public static class isbnChecker
public static bool CheckNumber(string isbn) // Checks if the checksum digit is correct
if (isbn[9].ToString() == checkIsbnClass.CheckIsbn(isbn)) // If the 10th digit of the number is the same as the calculated digit...
return true;
else // If they're not the same...
return false;
public static string DestabilizeIsbn(string isbn) // replace the string
return isbn.Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", "");
[1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/bAcDJ.jpg
public static string CheckIsbn(string isbn) // Calculates the 10th digit of a 9-digits partial ISBN number
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) // For each number...
sum += int.Parse(isbn[i].ToString()) * (i + 1); // ...Multiply the number by it's location in the string
if ((sum % 11) == 10) // If the remainder equals to 10...
return "x"; // Output X
else // If it does not equal to 10...
return (sum % 11).ToString(); // Output the number
public static bool CheckNumber(string isbn) // Checks if the checksum digit is correct
if (isbn[9].ToString() == CheckIsbn(isbn)) // If the 10th digit of the number is the same as the calculated digit...
return true;
else // If they're not the same...
return false;
public static string DestabilizeIsbn(string isbn) // replace the string
return isbn.Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", "");
public partial class IsbnForm : Form
public IsbnForm()
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.xInputTextBox.Text = "Enter a Valid ISBN";
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我需要提供兩個,就好像他們是一個應用程序,這是在課堂上額外的功勞 – 2010-09-09 13:28:28