open util/relation
abstract sig Course {
prereq: set Course, -- c->d in prereq if c is a prerequisite of d
s1, s2: set Course -- two sequential course schedules
one sig cs1121, cs1122, cs1141, cs2311, cs2321,
cs3000, cs3141, cs3311, cs3331, cs3411, cs3421, cs3425 extends Course { }
fact {
no prereq.cs1121
prereq.cs1122 = cs1121
prereq.cs1141 = cs1122
prereq.cs2311 = cs1121
prereq.cs2321 = cs1122
prereq.cs3000 = cs3141
prereq.cs3141 = cs2311
prereq.cs3141 = cs2321
prereq.cs3311 = cs2311
prereq.cs3331 = cs1141
prereq.cs3331 = cs2311
prereq.cs3331 = cs2321
prereq.cs3411 = cs1141
prereq.cs3411 = cs3421
prereq.cs3421 = cs1122
prereq.cs3425 = cs2311
prereq.cs3425 = cs2321
-- is the given schedule a topological sort of the prereq relation?
pred topoSort [schedule: Course->Course] {
(all c: Course | lone c.schedule and lone schedule.c) -- no branching in the schedule
and totalOrder[*schedule, Course] -- and it's a total order
and prereq in ^schedule -- and it obeys the prerequisite graph
pred show {
s1.irreflexive and s2.irreflexive -- no retaking courses!
s1.topoSort and s2.topoSort -- both schedules are topological sorts of the prereq relation
s1 != s2 -- the schedules are different
run show