2015-06-24 59 views


Section   |SectionId | Lesson    | LessonId | Activity   | Date |  Time | Score | Duration 
       |   |       |   |     |   |   |  |    
Functions  | 123 | Intro to Functions  | 6374  | Activity Quiz 1 | 6/10/2014 | 18:55:00 | 80 | 5 
Functions  | 123 | Intro to Functions  | 6374  | Domain and Range | 6/10/2014 | 19:33:00 | 0 | 36 
Functions  | 123 | Intro to Functions  | 6374  | Activity Quiz 2 | 6/10/2014 | 19:37:00 | 100 | 4 
Linear Functions| 124 | Intro to Linear Functions| 6378  | Authentic Task: 1 | 6/23/2014 | 13:54:00 | 0 | 0 
Linear Functions| 124 | Intro to Linear Functions| 6378  | Activity Quiz: 3 | 6/18/2014 | 14:12:00 | 80 | 4 
Linear Functions| 124 | Intro to Linear Functions| 6378  | Step Functions | 6/18/2014 | 14:59:00 | 0 | 46 


public class Section 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public List<Lesson> Lessons { get; set; } 

    public class Lesson 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public List<Activity> Activities { get; set; } 
     public int SectionId { get; set; } 

    public class Activity 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Date { get; set; } 
     public string Time { get; set; } 
     public int Score { get; set; } 
     public int Duration { get; set; } 
     public int LessonId { get; set; } 


[{ Name: "Functions", 
    Lessons: [{ Name: "Intro to Functions", 
      Activities: [ 
       { Name: "Activity Quiz 1", Duration: 5, Date: "6/10/2014", Time: "18:55:00", Score: 80}, 
       {Name: "Domain and Range", Duration: 36, Date: "6/10/2014", Time: "19:33:00", Score: 0}, 
       {Name: "Activity Quiz 2", Duration: 4, Date: "6/10/2014", Time: "19:37:00", Score: 100} 
{ Name: "Linear Functions", 
    Lessons: [{ Name: "Intro To Linear Functions", 
      Activities: [ 
       {Name: "Authentic Task: 1", Duration: 0, CompletedDate: "6/23/2014", CompletedTime: "13:54:00", Score: 0}, 
       {Name: "Activity Quiz 3", Duration: 4, CompletedDate: "6/18/2014", CompletedTime: "14:12:00", Score: 80}, 
       {Name: "Step Functions", Duration: 46, CompletedDate: "6/18/2014", CompletedTime: "14:59:00", Score: 0} 


var result = dt.AsEnumerable() 
     .GroupBy(r => new { ID = r["Section"] }) 
     .Select(c => new Section 
      Name = c.Key.ID.ToString(), 
      Lessons = c.Select(l => new Lesson 
        Name = l["Lesson"].ToString(), 
        Activities = c. 
        .Select(a => new Activity 
         Name = a["Activity"].ToString(), 
         CompletedDate = a["Date"].ToString(), 
         CompletedTime = a["Time"].ToString(), 
         Score = Convert.ToInt32(a["Score"]), 
         Duration = Convert.ToInt32(a["Duration"]) 


var data = dt.AsEnumerable(); 

var sections = data 
    .GroupBy(r => new { ID = r["SectionId"] }).Select(c => new Chapter 
     Id = Convert.ToInt32(c.Key.ID), 
     Name = c.Select(n => n["Section"]).FirstOrDefault().ToString() 

var lessons = data 
    .GroupBy(r => new { ID = r["LessonId"] }).Select(c => new Lesson 
     Id = Convert.ToInt32(c.Key.ID), 
     Name = c.Select(n => n["Lesson"]).FirstOrDefault().ToString() 

var activities = data 
    .Select(l => new Activity 
     Name = l["Activity"].ToString(), 
     LessonId = Convert.ToInt32(l["LessonId"]) 




  <table class="table"> 
         <th>Completed Date</th> 
         <th>Completed Time</th> 
         <th>Duration (hh:mm:ss)</th> 
       <tbody ng-repeat="section in studentData"> 
        <tr ng-repeat="lesson in section.Lessons"> 
         <tr ng-repeat="activity in lesson.Activities"> 




var data = dt.AsEnumerable(); 

    var sections = data 
     .GroupBy(r => new { ID = r["SectionId"] }).Select(c => new Chapter 
      Id = (int)c.Select(n => n["SectionId"]).FirstOrDefault(), 
      Name = (string)c.Select(n => n["Section"]).FirstOrDefault(), 
      Lessons = new List<Lesson>() 

    var lessons = data 
     .GroupBy(r => new { ID = r["LessonId"] }).Select(l => new Lesson 
      Id = (int)l.Select(n => n["LessonId"]).FirstOrDefault(), 
      Name = l.Select(n => n["Lesson"]).FirstOrDefault().ToString(), 
      Activities = new List<Activity>(), 
      ChapterId = (int)l.Select(n => n["SectionId"]).FirstOrDefault() 

    var activities = data 
     .Select(a => new Activity 
      Name = (string)a["Activity"], 
      Date = (string)a["Date"], 
      Time = (string)a["Time"], 
      Score = (int)a["Score"], 
      Duration = (int)a["Duration"], 
      LessonId = (int)a["Lessonid"] 

    foreach (var lesson in lessons) 
     var activitiesToAdd = activities.Where(a => a.LessonId == lesson.Id); 

    foreach (var section in sections) 
     var lessonsToAdd = lessons.Where(l => l.SectionId == section.Id); 




var grps= 
     .GroupBy (r => r["SectionId"].ToString() + "|" + r["Section"].ToString() 
         + "|" + r["LessonId"].ToString() + "|" + r["Lesson"].ToString() 
         + "|" + r["Activity"].ToString() + "|" + r["Date"].ToString() + "|" + r["Time"].ToString() 