2014-02-13 74 views



var myTimer; 
//Timer that reloads the page 
function myTimerF() { 
    var x = document.getElementById("Button"); 
    x.innerHTML = "<img src='poke.png' >"; 

//generates a random number then checks if you won or not 
function randomNumber() { 
    var res = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); 

    var x = document.getElementById("Button") 
    if (res == 5) 
     x.innerHTML = "Winner! YOU ACTUALLY WON! IT'S A MIRICALE!"; 

    function getRandomSentence() { 
     var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxSentences - 1)); 
     return sentences[index]; 

    myTimer = setInterval(function() { 
    }, 2000); 
//Random death sentences 
var sentences = [ 
    'You just got eaten! Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You are currently being digested. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You have been incinerated, you may poke the monster in 2 seconds again.', 
    'Your head has been removed from your body, try again in 2 seconds when we find it.', 
    'You have been neautrilized. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You ran away out of fear. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'Your legs are currently in the belly of the monster, try again in 2 seconds.' 
maxSentences = sentences.length; 


<p id="Button" onclick="randomNumber()"> 
    <img src="poke.png" > 



'「隨機排列不工作」「 - 以什麼方式? –


這不起作用,當你點擊圖片時,它不起作用。沒有任何反應 – Timble


您的'if ... else'語句看起來有點奇怪(在正確格式化您的代碼後它變得更加明顯)。 –




//Timer that reloads the page 
function myTimerF() { 
    var x = document.getElementById("Button"); 
    x.innerHTML = "<img src='poke.png' >"; 

//generates a random number then checks if you won or not 
function randomNumber() { 
    var res = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); 

    var x = document.getElementById("Button") 
    if (res == 5) 
     x.innerHTML = "Winner! YOU ACTUALLY WON! IT'S A MIRICALE!"; 
    else { 
     x.innerHTML = getRandomSentence(); 
     myTimer = setTimeout(myTimerF, 2000); 

function getRandomSentence() { 
    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxSentences - 1)); 
    return sentences[index]; 

//Random death sentences 
var sentences = [ 
    'You just got eaten! Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You are currently being digested. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You have been incinerated, you may poke the monster in 2 seconds again.', 
    'Your head has been removed from your body, try again in 2 seconds when we find it.', 
    'You have been neautrilized. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'You ran away out of fear. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
    'Your legs are currently in the belly of the monster, try again in 2 seconds.' 
maxSentences = sentences.length; 

請也**解釋**你的解決方案,不要只是發佈代碼。 –


立即停止。如果您在發佈代碼後超過15秒鐘給了我,我可以有時間解釋它。希望確保代碼首先正確進入。 – Gavin


您知道答案文本輸入下方有預覽區域嗎?如果你張貼部分答案,不要責怪我。你有足夠的時間來添加所有的信息,*在提交答案之前(不要誤解我的意思,我都是爲了編輯答案)。 –


在這裏,你走了,我把它做成了的jsfiddle的作品正確:test it out


var myTimer, 
    x = document.getElementById("button"), 
    sentences = [ //Random death sentences 
      'You just got eaten! Try again in 2 seconds.', 
      'You are currently being digested. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
      'You have been incinerated, you may poke the monster in 2 seconds again.', 
      'Your head has been removed from your body, try again in 2 seconds when we find it.', 
      'You have been neutralized. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
      'You ran away out of fear. Try again in 2 seconds.', 
      'Your legs are currently in the belly of the monster, try again in 2 seconds.' 
    maxSentences = sentences.length; 


x.addEventListener('click', randomNumber, false); 


//Timer that reloads the page 
function myTimerF() { 
    x.innerHTML = "<img src='http://lorempixel.com/640/480/abstract/' >"; 



//Produces random sentence, obviously 
function getRandomSentence() { 
    var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxSentences - 1)), 
     randoSen = sentences[index]; 
    console.log('rando sentence #: ' + index); 
    x.innerHTML = randoSen; 

//generates a random number then checks if you won or not 
function randomNumber() { 
    var res = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1); 
    console.log('random number 1 - 100 is: ' + res); 
    if (res == 5) { 
     x.innerHTML = "Winner! YOU ACTUALLY WON! IT'S A MIRICALE!"; 
    } else { getRandomSentence(); } 
