2017-04-25 36 views



var unread = data.filter(function(item){ 
    return item.Read == 0; 
    return {Id: item.Id, First: item.First.toLowerCase(), Last: item.Last.toLowerCase()} 
}).sort(function(a, b){ 
    if (a.Last < b.Last) return -1; 
    if (a.Last > b.Last) return 1; 
    return 0; 

var read = data.filter(function(item){ 
    return item.Read == null || item.Read == 1; 
}).map(function(item){ // lowercase (first, last) and sort the list by last 
    return {Id: item.Id, First: item.First.toLowerCase(), Last: item.Last.toLowerCase()} 
}).sort(function(a, b){ 
    if (a.Last < b.Last) return -1; 
    if (a.Last > b.Last) return 1; 
    return 0; 

var finalData = unread.concat(read); 


var input = [ 
    {Id: 1, First: "John", Last: "B", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Jane", Last: "C", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Doe", Last: "D", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Alpha", Last: "B", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Beta", Last: "C", Read:null}, 

var output = [ 
    {Id: 1, First: "Alpha", Last: "B", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Doe", Last: "D", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Beta", Last: "C", Read: null}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "John", Last: "B", Read:0} 
    {Id: 1, First: "Jane", Last: "C", Read:0}, 

添加輸入和預期的輸出到你的問題。 –


編輯了一些數據 – Devyiweid




var data = [ 
    {Id: 1, First: "John", Last: "B", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Jane", Last: "C", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Doe", Last: "D", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Alpha", Last: "B", Read:1} 

data.sort((a, b) => 
    b.Read !== a.Read 
    ? b.Read - a.Read 
    : a.Last.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.Last.toLowerCase()) 
     ? a.Last.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.Last.toLowerCase()) 
     : a.First.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.First.toLowerCase())); 


爲了應對這樣的事實Read字段的null值(反直覺)被認爲是truthy,您必須引入一對臨時變量(let aRead = a.Read != null a.Read : 1)和比較這些,或改寫的比較如下:

var data = [ 
    {Id: 1, First: "John", Last: "B", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Jane", Last: "C", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Doe", Last: "D", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Alpha", Last: "B", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Beta", Last: "C", Read:null} 

data.sort((a, b) => 
    b.Read !== a.Read 
    ? (b.Read != null ? b.Read : 1) - (a.Read != null ? a.Read : 1) 
    : a.Last.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.Last.toLowerCase()) 
     ? a.Last.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.Last.toLowerCase()) 
     : a.First.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.First.toLowerCase())); 


它的排序,然後根據讀取狀態(concat)進行分組,查看我的答案以獲得想法或任何改進。未讀的消息到頂部(按姓氏按字母順序排列),其餘按底部(也按字母順序排列) – Devyiweid


@Devyiweid無需分組,過濾或連接。你可以對待一切都是一種。我的輸出符合您的預期輸出。 –


感謝Robby對本質上基本上是一種排序的洞察力,我對'Read:null'記錄有點問題,添加到我的輸入中,請再次提醒。 – Devyiweid



// helpers 
function processItem(item) { 
    return {Id: item.Id, First: item.First.toLowerCase(), Last: item.Last.toLowerCase()} 

function sortItemByLast(a, b) { 
    if (a.Last < b.Last) return -1; 
    if (a.Last > b.Last) return 1; 
    return 0; 

// process data 
var unread = data.filter(function(item){ 
    return item.Read == 0; 

var read = data.filter(function(item){ 
    return item.Read == null || item.Read == 1; 

var finalData = unread.concat(read); 


var data = [ 
    {Id: 1, First: "John", Last: "B", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Jane", Last: "C", Read:0}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Doe", Last: "D", Read:1}, 
    {Id: 1, First: "Alpha", Last: "B", Read:1} 

var result = data.sort(function(a, b){ 
    if (a.Last < b.Last) return -1; 
    if (a.Last > b.Last) return 1; 
    return 0; 
}).reduce(function(res, o) { 
    var newO = {Id: o.Id, First: o.First.toLowerCase(), Last: o.Last.toLowerCase()}; // the object to be pushed to either the read or unread array (if you are not using the old object o, then just remove the property "Read" from it and use it without creating a new object) 
    res[o.Read == 0? "unread": "read"].push(newO); // push o to either the read or unread array, depending on the property "Read" 
    return res; 
}, {read: [], unread: []});       // the initiale value will be an object containing two arrays (one for read and one for unread objects) 



你可以請標籤(讀/未讀)刪除,看到我的輸出。可能嗎?謝謝 – Devyiweid


請也看我的答案任何改進 – Devyiweid


@Devyiweid這並不難。該對象包含這兩個數組。看到新的編輯。 –