2013-11-27 25 views

我發現thread爲2包揹包算法提供了僞代碼。 我試過在C++中實現它,但它不工作。這裏是代碼:雙包揹包算法

#include <cstdio> 
#define MAX_W1 501 
#define MAX_W2 501 

int maximum(int a, int b, int c) { 
    int max = a>b?a:b; 
    return c>max?c:max; 

int knapsack[MAX_W1][MAX_W2] = {0}; 

int main() { 
    int n, s1, s2, gain, weight; // items, sack1, sack2, gain, cost 

    scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &s1, &s2); 

    // filing knapsack 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
     scanf("%d %d", &gain, &weight); 

     for (int w1 = s1; w1 >= weight; w1--) { 
      for (int w2 = s2; w2 >= weight; w2--) { 
       knapsack[w1][w2] = maximum(
        knapsack[w1][w2],     // we have best option 
        knapsack[w1 - weight][w2] + gain, // put into sack one 
        knapsack[w1][w2 - weight] + gain // put into sack two 

    int result = 0; 

    // searching for result 
    for (int i = 0; i <= s1; i++) { 
     for (int j = 0; j <= s2; j++) { 
      if (knapsack[i][j] > result) { 
       result = knapsack[i][j]; 

    printf("%d\n", result); 

    return 0; 


5 4 3 
6 2 
3 2 
4 1 
2 1 
1 1 



顯然,這是錯誤的,因爲我可以把所有項目(1,2爲第一袋並休息到第二袋),總和爲16. 我會感謝任何解釋,如果我得到僞代碼錯誤。


  1. 第一行包含3個號碼如下項目的數量,袋一個能力,袋的容量2
  2. 後面有n行,每行包含2個數字:增益,第i項的成本。
  3. 假設麻袋不能大於500




#include <algorithm> 

using std::max; 

int max3(int a, int b, int c) { 
    return max(a, max(b, c)); 

for (int w1 = s1; w1 >= 0; w1--) { 
    for (int w2 = s2; w2 >= 0; w2--) { 
     if (w1 >= weight && w2 >= weight) // either sack has room 
      knapsack[w1][w2] = max3(
       knapsack[w1][w2],     // we have best option 
       knapsack[w1 - weight][w2] + gain, // put into sack one 
       knapsack[w1][w2 - weight] + gain // put into sack two 
     else if (w1 >= weight) // only sack one has room 
      knapsack[w1][w2] = max(
       knapsack[w1][w2],     // we have best option 
       knapsack[w1 - weight][w2] + gain // put into sack one 
     else if (w2 >= weight) // only sack two has room 
      knapsack[w1][w2] = max(
       knapsack[w1][w2],     // we have best option 
       knapsack[w1][w2 - weight] + gain // put into sack two 

感謝您的答案它是第一個正確的,並解釋爲什麼算法不正確。事實上,當我想到這件事時,我真的很想念這件事。 – abc


當沒有足夠的容量(儘管> 0)以適應體重時會發生什麼。我認爲這種情況需要考慮。 –


下面是修改代碼,使其工作: -

#include <cstdio> 
#define MAX_W1 501 
#define MAX_W2 501 

int maximum(int a, int b, int c) { 
    int max = a>b?a:b; 
    return c>max?c:max; 

int knapsack[MAX_W1][MAX_W2] = {0}; 

int main() { 
    int n, s1, s2, gain, weight; // items, sack1, sack2, gain, cost 

    scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &s1, &s2); 

    // filing knapsack 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
     scanf("%d %d", &gain, &weight); 
    // need to fill up all the table cannot stop if one sack is full because item might fit in other 
     for (int w1 = s1; w1 >= 0; w1--) { 
      for (int w2 = s2; w2 >= 0; w2--) { 
       int val1=0,val2=0; 
        val1 = knapsack[w1 - weight][w2] + gain; 
        val2 = knapsack[w1][w2 - weight] + gain; 

       knapsack[w1][w2] = maximum(
        knapsack[w1][w2],     // we have best option 
        val1,    // put into sack one 
        val2    // put into sack two 


    // No need to search for max value it always be Knapsack[s1][s2] 
    printf("%d\n", knapsack[s1][s2]); 

    return 0; 

+1用於優化,當涉及到在數組中找到答案。 – abc