2015-11-16 45 views

我的頁面中有完整日曆,每當我將可拖動事件從拖動事件拖放到日曆日期並刷新頁面時,拖動的事件就會消失。 enter image description here完整日曆活動在刷新或重新加載後消失頁面



<div class='col-md-12'> 
    <div class="box box-success"> 
     <!-- Content Header (Page header) --> 
     <div class="box-header with-border"> 
      <section class="content-header"> 

     <!-- Main content --> 
     <section class="content"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-md-3"> 
        <div class="box box-solid"> 
         <div class="box-header with-border"> 
          <h4 class="box-title">Draggable Events</h4> 
         <div class="box-body"> 
         <!-- the events --> 
          <div id="external-events"> 
           <div class="external-event bg-green">Lunch</div> 
           <div class="external-event bg-yellow">Go home</div> 
           <div class="external-event bg-aqua">Do homework</div> 
           <div class="external-event bg-light-blue">Work on UI design</div> 
           <div class="external-event bg-red">Sleep tight</div> 
           <div class="checkbox"> 
            <label for="drop-remove"> 
             <input type="checkbox" id="drop-remove"> 
             remove after drop 
         </div><!-- /.box-body --> 
        </div><!-- /. box --> 
        <div class="box box-solid"> 
         <div class="box-header with-border"> 
          <h3 class="box-title">Create Event</h3> 
         <div class="box-body"> 
          <div class="btn-group" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px;"> 
           <!--<button type="button" id="color-chooser-btn" class="btn btn-info btn-block dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Color <span class="caret"></span></button>--> 
           <ul class="fc-color-picker" id="color-chooser"> 
            <li><a class="text-aqua" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-blue" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-light-blue" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-teal" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-yellow" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-orange" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-green" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-lime" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-red" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-purple" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-fuchsia" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-muted" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
            <li><a class="text-navy" href="#"><i class="fa fa-square"></i></a></li> 
          </div><!-- /btn-group --> 
          <div class="input-group"> 
           <input id="new-event" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Event Title"> 
           <div class="input-group-btn"> 
            <button id="add-new-event" type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-flat">Add</button> 
           </div><!-- /btn-group --> 
          </div><!-- /input-group --> 
       </div><!-- /.col --> 
       <div class="col-md-9"> 
        <div class="box box-primary"> 
         <div class="box-body no-padding"> 
          <!-- THE CALENDAR --> 
          <div id="calendar"></div> 
         </div><!-- /.box-body --> 
        </div><!-- /. box --> 
       </div><!-- /.col --> 
      </div><!-- /.row --> 
     </section><!-- /.content --> 
</div><!-- /.content-wrapper --> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
/* Calendar */ 
$(function() { 
    /* initialize the external events 
    function ini_events(ele) { 
     ele.each(function() { 

      // create an Event Object (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/Event_Object/) 
      // it doesn't need to have a start or end 
      var eventObject = { 
       title: $.trim($(this).text()) // use the element's text as the event title 

      // store the Event Object in the DOM element so we can get to it later 
      $(this).data('eventObject', eventObject); 

      // make the event draggable using jQuery UI 
       zIndex: 1070, 
       revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its 
       revertDuration: 0 // original position after the drag 
    ini_events($('#external-events div.external-event')); 

    /* initialize the calendar 
    //Date for the calendar events (dummy data) 
    var date = new Date(); 
    var d = date.getDate(), 
      m = date.getMonth(), 
      y = date.getFullYear(); 

     header: { 
      left: 'prev,next today', 
      center: 'title', 
      right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' 
     buttonText: { 
      today: 'today', 
      month: 'month', 
      week: 'week', 
      day: 'day' 
     //Random default events 
     events: [ 
       title: 'New Year\'s Day', 
       start: '2015-01-01', 
       backgroundColor: "#f56954", 
       borderColor: "#f56954" 
       title: 'First Chinese New Year', 
       start: '2015-02-19', 
       backgroundColor: "#f39c12", 
       borderColor: "#f39c12" 
       title: 'Second Chinese New Year', 
       start: '2015-02-20', 
       backgroundColor: "#0073b7", 
       borderColor: "#0073b7" 
       title: 'Good Friday', 
       start: '2015-04-03', 
       backgroundColor: "#00c0ef", 
       borderColor: "#00c0ef" 
       title: 'Labor Day', 
       start: '2015-05-01', 
       backgroundColor: "#00a65a", 
       borderColor: "#00a65a" 
       title: 'Vesak Day', 
       start: '2015-06-01', 
       backgroundColor: "#3c8dbc", 
       borderColor: "#3c8dbc" 
       title: 'Hari Raya Puasa', 
       start: '2015-07-17', 
       backgroundColor: "#f39c12", 
       borderColor: "#f39c12" 
       title: 'SG 50 Public Holiday', 
       start: '2015-08-07', 
       backgroundColor: "#0073b7", 
       borderColor: "#0073b7" 
       title: 'National Day', 
       start: '20150-80-97', 
       backgroundColor: "#00c0ef", 
       borderColor: "#00c0ef" 
       title: 'Hari Raya Haji', 
       start: '2015-09-24', 
       backgroundColor: "#00c0ef", 
       borderColor: "#00c0ef" 
       title: 'Deepavali', 
       start: '2015-11-10', 
       backgroundColor: "#00a65a", 
       borderColor: "#00a65a" 
       title: 'Christmas Day', 
       start: '2015-12-25', 
       backgroundColor: "#3c8dbc", 
       borderColor: "#3c8dbc" 
      title: 'All Day Event', 
      start: new Date(y, m, 1), 
      backgroundColor: "#f56954", //red 
      borderColor: "#f56954" //red 
      title: 'Long Event', 
      start: new Date(y, m, d - 5), 
      end: new Date(y, m, d - 2), 
      backgroundColor: "#f39c12", //yellow 
      borderColor: "#f39c12" //yellow 
      title: 'Meeting', 
      start: new Date(y, m, d, 10, 30), 
      allDay: false, 
      backgroundColor: "#0073b7", //Blue 
      borderColor: "#0073b7" //Blue 
      title: 'Lunch', 
      start: new Date(y, m, d, 12, 0), 
      end: new Date(y, m, d, 14, 0), 
      allDay: false, 
      backgroundColor: "#00c0ef", //Info (aqua) 
      borderColor: "#00c0ef" //Info (aqua) 
      title: 'Birthday Party', 
      start: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 19, 0), 
      end: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 22, 30), 
      allDay: false, 
      backgroundColor: "#00a65a", //Success (green) 
      borderColor: "#00a65a" //Success (green) 
      title: 'Click for Google', 
      start: new Date(y, m, 28), 
      end: new Date(y, m, 29), 
      url: 'http://google.com/', 
      backgroundColor: "#3c8dbc", //Primary (light-blue) 
      borderColor: "#3c8dbc" //Primary (light-blue) 
     editable: true, 
     droppable: true, // this allows things to be dropped onto the calendar !!! 
     drop: function (date, allDay) { // this function is called when something is dropped 

     // retrieve the dropped element's stored Event Object 
     var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject'); 

     // we need to copy it, so that multiple events don't have a reference to the same object 
     var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject); 

     // assign it the date that was reported 
     copiedEventObject.start = date; 
     copiedEventObject.allDay = allDay; 
     copiedEventObject.backgroundColor = $(this).css("background-color"); 
     copiedEventObject.borderColor = $(this).css("border-color"); 

     // render the event on the calendar 
     // the last `true` argument determines if the event "sticks" (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_rendering/renderEvent/) 
     $('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true); 

     // is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked? 
     if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) { 
      // if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list 

    /* ADDING EVENTS */ 
    var currColor = "#3c8dbc"; //Red by default 
    //Color chooser button 
    var colorChooser = $("#color-chooser-btn"); 
    $("#color-chooser > li > a").click(function (e) { 
     //Save color 
     currColor = $(this).css("color"); 
     //Add color effect to button 
     $('#add-new-event').css({"background-color": currColor, "border-color": currColor}); 
    $("#add-new-event").click(function (e) { 
     //Get value and make sure it is not null 
     var val = $("#new-event").val(); 
     if (val.length == 0) { 

     //Create events 
     var event = $("<div />"); 
     event.css({"background-color": currColor, "border-color": currColor, "color": "#fff"}).addClass("external-event"); 

     //Add draggable funtionality 

     //Remove event from text input 


