我正在嘗試編寫一個Ubiquity命令,允許您使用該圖像本身替換指向圖像的選定鏈接或URL。然而,CmdUtils.setSelection()函數(記錄here)似乎什麼都不做,如果有任何html標籤出現在選擇中,使其無法替換任何鏈接。選擇純文本時,其功能與預期完全相同,用<img src="text"/>
標籤代替文本。有什麼我失蹤了,或者這個功能會不會允許我替換HTML?如果後者是這種情況,是否有一種功能或方法可以讓我做到這一點?任何其他建議也歡迎!Ubiquity CmdUtils.setSelection將不會取代HTML
name: "fetch-image",
author: {name: "Josh Timmer"},
license: "GPL",
description: "Replaces links or URLs pointing to images with the image itself",
help: "Highlight text or a hyperlink and execute this command",
takes: {"image URL": /.*/},
_getImgUrl: function(itemIq) {
if (itemIq.html.indexOf("<a ",0) < 0)
return itemIq.text;
var refPos = itemIq.html.indexOf("href=\"",0);
if (refPos < 0)
return "Error, no URL found!";
var startPos = itemIq.html.indexOf("\"", refPos);
var endPos = itemIq.html.indexOf("\"", startPos + 1);
startPos += 1;
var url = itemIq.html.substring(startPos, endPos);
return url;
preview: function(pblock, input) {
pblock.innerHTML = "Image URL: " + this._getImgUrl(input) + "<br/><br/><img src='" + this._getImgUrl(input) + "'/>";
execute: function img_insert(input) {
CmdUtils.setSelection("<img src='" + this._getImgUrl(input) + "'/>");
displayMessage("Executed: " + this._getImgUrl(input));