class LoginController extends AppController {
public $name = 'Login';
public $components = array('Auth');
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
function beforeFilter() {
// tell Auth not to check authentication when doing the 'register' action
$this->Auth->userModel = 'Login';
function register() {
if (!empty($this->data)){
if ($this->Login->save($this->params['data'])) {
$this->flash('Your registration information was accepted. Welcome!');
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->flash('There was a problem with your registration', '/login/knownusers');
function createprofile() {
function knownusers() {
$this->set('knownusers', $this->Login->find(
'fields' => array('id','username', 'password', 'fk_profile_id'),
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->flash('There was a problem with your registration', '/login/knownusers');
function createprofile() {
function knownusers() {
$this->set('knownusers', $this->Login->find(
'fields' => array('id','username', 'password', 'fk_profile_id'),
'order' => 'id DESC'
function login() {
function logout() {
完美,謝謝。我必須說,我很驚訝這種自定義會在應用程序目錄之外。感覺像給我打亂了核心庫。 – 2012-01-02 22:27:55
這應該在app目錄中完成,無論是在您的AppController.php文件還是您的自定義控制器中。這絕對不是對lib目錄的改變! – 2012-01-02 22:31:39