2016-04-23 119 views


replace:: Term -> Term -> Formula -> Formula 
replace x y (Not f)   = Not $ replace x y f 
replace x y (And f g)   = And (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Or f g)   = Or (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Biimp f g)  = Biimp (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Imp f g)   = Imp (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Forall z f)  = Forall z (replace x y f) 
replace x y (Exists z f)  = Exists z (replace x y f) 
replace x y (Pred idx ts)  = Pred idx (replace_ x y ts) 


replace x y (X f g)   = X (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 


replace x y (And f g)   = And (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Or f g)   = Or (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Biimp f g)  = Biimp (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 
replace x y (Imp f g)   = Imp (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 



也許'DeriveFunctor'或做它一個明確的實例?那麼上面的結果可能是'替換x y = fmap(\ z - >如果x == z然後y其他x)''。當然,這意味着'公式'將會有'* - > *',但這聽起來很合理。 「Formula Bool」將是一個布爾公式。 – Alec


你可以使'Formula'成爲['Compos']的一個實例(https://hackage.haskell.org/package/uniplate-1.6.12/docs/Data-Generics-Compos.html),這會有幫助嗎? – Cactus




data BinOp  = BinAnd | BinOr | BinBiimp | BinImp 
data Quantifier = QForall | QExists 
data Formula = Not Formula 
       | Binary BinOp Formula Formula -- key change here 
       | Quantified Quantifier Formula 
       | Pred Index [Formula] 


replace x y (Binary op f g) = Binary op (replace x y f) (replace x y g) 


pattern And x y = Binary BinAnd x y 
pattern Forall f = Quantified QForall f 

我喜歡這個,但壞消息是,我必須重寫每一種方法。 – jonaprieto


@jonaprieto我已經添加了一句話來解決這個問題。 –


我不完全確定這是您正在尋找的,但您可以執行以下操作。這個想法是,你可以考慮一個公式被抽象爲另一種類型(在你的案例中通常是Term)。然後,您可以定義在公式上映射的含義。我試圖複製您的數據定義,但我有一些問題Formula - 即所有的構造似乎需要另一個Formula ...

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} 

data Formula a 
    = Not (Formula a) 
    | And (Formula a) (Formula a) 
    | Or (Formula a) (Formula a) 
    | Biimp (Formula a) (Formula a) 
    | Imp (Formula a) (Formula a) 
    | Forall a (Formula a) 
    | Exists a (Formula a) 
    | Pred a (Formula a) 
    deriving (Functor) 

data Term = Term String {- However you define it, doesn't matter -} deriving (Eq) 

replace :: (Functor f, Eq a) => a -> a -> f a -> f a 
replace x y = fmap (\z -> if x == z then y else z) 

有趣的事情要注意的是,現在可以應用replace功能到任何一種仿函數 - 它甚至可以作爲replace的列表!

replace 3 9 [1..6] = [1,2,9,4,5,6] 


replace' :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Formula a -> Formula a 
replace' x y [email protected](Forall z _) | x == z = f 
replace' x y [email protected](Exists z _) | x == z = f 
replace' x y [email protected](Pred z _) | x == z = f 
replace' x y formula = fmap (replace' x y) formula 



我不認爲最後一個會起作用。 'fmap'將會期望'a - > a'類型的東西,但是你正在交付類型爲'Formula a - > Formula a'的東西。 (但其餘的建議在這裏是可靠的。) –



import Data.Functor.Foldable 

data FormulaF t 
    = Not t 
    | And t t 
    | Or t t 
    | Biimp t t 
    | Imp t t 
    | Forall A t 
    | Exists A t 
    | Pred B C 
    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

type Formula = Fix FormulaF 

replace :: Term -> Term -> Formula -> Formula 
replace x y = cata $ \case -> 
    Pred idx ts -> Pred idx (replace_ x y ts) 
    f -> f 

順便說一句,謹防​​:Substitution is the process of replacing all free occurences of a variable in an expression with an expression.


我不知道爲什麼這是downvoted?這種方法有什麼問題嗎? (除了變量捕獲和替換非自由事件之外,迄今爲止其他答案都很常見) – chi