include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc
dates BYTE "23-JUL-2010", 0, "23-JAN-2010", 0, "23-JUL-2009", 0, "31-JUL-2012", 0, "05-MAR-2010", 0
months BYTE "JAN",0,"FEB",0,"MAR",0,"APR",0,"MAY",0,"JUN",0,"JUL",0,"AUG",0,"SEP",0,"OCT",0,"NOV",0,"DEC",0
nDates DWORD 4
ra DWORD 1,0,0,0,0
lea EAX, dates ; create pointer to beginning of dates array
push EAX
call datetonum
;put value currently in EAX into array to be sorted
print "Array to be sorted contents: "
print chr$(13,10)
lea ECX, ra
mov [ECX + nDates], EAX
print ra
print chr$(13,10)
;param1 (date string) = address of 12 byte date
enter 4, 0 ; [EBP - 4] holds 4 byte temp variable
mov EBX, [EBP + 8] ; pointer to entire date string
lea ESI, [EBX] ; pointing to day part of date
lea EDI, [EBP - 4] ; pointing to address of local variable to store day string
mov ECX, 2
rep movsb
mov EDX, 0
mov [EDI], EDX ; add null terminator
lea EDX, [EBP - 4]
mov EAX, sval(EDX) ; convert day string to int
push EAX ; push EAX to stack
; extract month from date
lea ESI, [EBX + 3] ; pointing to month part of date
lea EDI, [EBP - 4] ; pointing to address of local variable to store month string
mov ECX, 3
rep movsb
mov EDX, 0
mov [EDI], EDX ; add null terminator
; debug print of month string
lea EDX, [EBP - 4]
print EDX
print chr$(9) ; print a tab character
print chr$(13,10)
; find month number
sub ESI, ESI
lea EDX, [EBP - 4]
mov EAX, [EDX]
mov ECX, 12
lea EDX, [months + ESI * 4]
mov EBX, [EDX]
inc ESI
cmp EAX, EBX
loopne search_top
mov EDX, ESI ; result is in ESI
pop EAX ; pop EAX off the stack
mov AH, DL ; copy the month int into AH
push EAX ; push EAX to stack
; convert year chars to 2 byte int
mov EBX, [EBP + 8]
lea ESI, [EBX + 7] ; pointing to year part of date
lea EDI, [EBP - 4] ; pointing to address of local variable to store year string
mov ECX, 4
rep movsb
mov EDX, 0
mov [EDI], EDX ; add null terminator
lea EDX, [EBP - 4]
mov EDX, sval(EDX) ; convert year string to int
pop EAX ; pop EAX off the stack
mov EBX, EAX ; copy EAX (contains month in AH and day in AL) to EBX
mov EAX, EDX ; copy year to EAX
shl EAX, 16 ; shift the year over to high 16 bits in EAX
mov AX, BX ; copy the month and day into low 16 bits in EAX
;print EAX ; this crashes the proc
print str$(EAX)
print chr$(13,10)
ret 4
哪裏是'datetonum'的代碼? –
@JoseManuelAbarcaRodríguez我可以包括它 - 但我不知道有必要看到完成我想要做的事情。它只是將日期中的一個日期轉換爲唯一的32位數字,並將其存儲在EAX中 – tay1392
嗯,有必要將該代碼包含到您的問題中,因爲缺少[MCVE]而不能關閉_(http:// stackoverflow .COM /幫助/ MCVE)。我會高度建議它。 – zx485