2014-02-07 75 views


「字符串/雙/ int/int/int」或「字符串/雙/ int/int」,根據形狀的飲料。


public class DrinkParser { 

    public static Drink parseStringToDrink(String lineToParse){ 

     String regex = "[/]"; 
     String [] split = lineToParse.split(regex); 

     if ("Box".equals(split[0]) || "box".equals(split[0])){ 

      DrinkInBox dIB = new DrinkInBox(split[1], split[2], split[3], split[4], split[5]); 


     if("Cylinder".equals(split[0]) || "cylinder".equals(split[0])){ 

      DrinkInCylinder dIC = new DrinkInCylinder(split[1], split[2], split[3], split[4]); 





public class DrinkInBox extends Drink { 

    private int height; 
    private int width; 
    private int depth; 

    public DrinkInBox(String drinkId, double unitPrice, int height, int width, int depth){ 

     super(drinkId, unitPrice); 
     this.height = height; 
     this.width = width; 
     this.depth = depth; 


    public void computeTotalPrice(){ 

     volume = height * width * depth; 
     totalPrice = volume * unitPrice; 


    public String toString(){ 

     return "\nThe Drink in a Box\nThe Height:\t\t" +height+ "\nThe Width:\t\t" +width+ "\nThe Depth:\t\t" +depth+ "\nThe DrinkId:\t\t" +drinkId+ "\n The Volume:\t\t" +volume+ "\nThe Unit Price:\t\t" +unitPrice+ "\n The Total Price:\t" +totalPrice+ "\n\n"; 




public class DrinkInCylinder extends Drink { 

    private int radius; 
    private int height; 

    public DrinkInCylinder(String drinkId, double unitPrice, int radius, int height){ 

     super(drinkId, unitPrice); 
     this.radius = radius; 
     this.height = height; 


    public void computeTotalPrice(){ 

     volume = (int) (Math.PI * (radius*radius) * height); 
     totalPrice = volume * unitPrice; 


    public String toString(){ 

     return "\nThe Drink in a Cylinder\nThe Radius:\t\t" +radius+ "\nThe Height:\t\t" +height+ "\nThe DrinkId:\t\t" +drinkId+ "\n The Volume:\t\t" +volume+ "\nThe Unit Price:\t\t" +unitPrice+ "\n The Total Price:\t" +totalPrice+ "\n\n"; 





使用方法'equalsIgnoreCase()',而不是兩個'等於()'。除非您正確地檢查,否則我認爲您不會這樣做,它會提高可讀性並提高性能(只需一點點)。 – initramfs


DrinkInBox dIB = new DrinkInBox(split[1], split[2], split[3], split[4], split[5]); 

splitString[],所以split[n]0 <= n <= split.length-1,將返回一個String。現在讓我們來看看你的DrinkInBox構造:

public DrinkInBox(String drinkId, double unitPrice, int height, int width, int depth) 

您傳遞5個String S作爲一個論點,但你沒有一個DrinkInBox構造有5個String參數。您必須相應地解析每個分割,以便它與您的DrinkInBox構造函數的參數類型相匹配。

DrinkInBox dIB = new DrinkInBox(split[1], Double.parseDouble(split[2]), Integer.parseInt(split[3]), Integer.parseInt(split[4]), Integer.parseInt(split[5])); 

在你的代碼中還有另一種情況。你需要做同樣的事情。另外,只是一個改進的提示,你應該對繼承和多態性感到滿意。 DrinkInBoxDrinkInCylinder都有一個共同的超類。你可以重寫爲:

Drink drink = split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("box") ? new new DrinkInBox(split[1], Double.parseDouble(split[2]), Integer.parseInt(split[3]), Integer.parseInt(split[4]), Integer.parseInt(split[5])) : split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("cylinder") ? new DrinkInCylinder(split[1], Double.parseDouble(split[2]), Integer.parseInt(split[3]), Integer.parseInt(split[4]), Integer.parseInt(split[5])) : null; 


if(drink instanceof DrinkInBox) 
if(drink instanceof DrinkInCylinder) 

謝謝你的工作。感謝幫助,我現在也明白了。謝謝! –


@UsmanHasan如果有用,請接受它作爲答案,以便更多人真正回答您的問題。 –


我不知道如何做到這一點......這個網站還是新手。如果你能告訴我怎麼做,我會很高興。 –