我有一個令人費解的RESTful問題。我使用使用Jersey的REST,它使用POJO映射將Java對象(Bean?)轉換爲JSON。最初這個工作很好,但現在,在嘗試向Bean添加新字段時,它們不會顯示在客戶端收到的JSON中。我會稍後解釋我的意思,但首先讓我展示一些代碼。RESTful POJO - > JSON映射不拾取新字段
public class StudyQueryController
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public List<PatientBean> queryForStudies(
@QueryParam("keyword") String keyword,
@QueryParam("fromDate") String fromDate,
@QueryParam("toDate") String toDate,
@QueryParam("sites") Set<Integer> sites,
@DefaultValue(CLOUD_STYPE) @QueryParam("stypes") Set<Integer> stypes,
@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("incDeleted") boolean incDeleted)
UserModel user = AuthFilter.requestingUser;
try (KHDatabase khdb = new KHDatabase())
[... code is here that sets up the queries, keys, etc...]
CommonQueries.PSSTree tree = CommonQueries.getPatientStudySeriesTree(khdb, keys);
List<PatientBean> ret = PatientBean.mapPSSTree(tree);
return ret;
catch (SQLException e)
[...throws error here...]
public class PatientBean {
private String patientName;
private String patientBleah;
private String patientID;
private String patientSex;
private String patientDOB;
private int patientSite;
private String siteName;
private StudyBean[] studies;
// public String getPatientName() {
// return patientName;
// }
public String getPatientBleah() { // TEST
return patientBleah;
public String getPatientID() {
return patientID;
public String getPatientSex() {
return patientSex;
public String getPatientDOB() {
return patientDOB;
public int getPatientSite() {
return patientSite;
public void setSiteName(String newName) {
siteName = newName;
public String getSiteName() {
return siteName;
public StudyBean[] getStudies() {
return studies;
/** Maps a <code>KHPatient</code>, its collection of <code>KHStudy</code>, and the map of
* study keys to lists of <code>KHSeries</code> of the studies, to an instance of this class. */
public PatientBean(KHPatient pt, List<KHStudy> sts, Map< String, List<KHSeries> > srs )
patientName = pt.getFullName().toDICOMPN();
patientBleah = pt.getFullName().toDICOMPN();
patientID = pt.id;
patientSex = Character.toString(pt.sex.getDICOMCode());
patientDOB = pt.birthdate != null ? StringUtils.printISODate(pt.birthdate) : "";
patientSite = pt.site_key;
List<StudyBean> lst = new ArrayList<StudyBean>(sts.size());
for (KHStudy st : sts)
List<KHSeries> lsr = srs.get(st.key());
if (lsr == null)
lsr = Collections.emptyList();
lst.add(new StudyBean(st, lsr));
studies = lst.toArray(new StudyBean[ lst.size() ]);
/** Maps a <code>CommonQueries.PSSTree</code> to an array of {@link PatientBean}. */
public static List<PatientBean> mapPSSTree(CommonQueries.PSSTree tree)
List<PatientBean> lpt = new ArrayList<PatientBean>(tree.pts.size());
for (Map.Entry< Integer, KHPatient > entry : tree.pts.entrySet())
KHPatient pt = entry.getValue();
List<KHStudy> lst = tree.sts.get(entry.getKey());
PatientBean bpt = new PatientBean(pt, lst, tree.srs);
return lpt;
您的PatientBean上沒有任何JAXB註釋? – TheArchitect