2017-02-19 50 views



import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.util.*; 

class ListNode { 
    int val; 
    ListNode next; 

    ListNode(int x) { 
     val = x; 
     next = null; 

public class InsertionLinkedList { 

    public static ListNode insertionSortList(ListNode head) { 

     long start = System.nanoTime(); 
     if (head == null || head.next == null) 
      return head; 

     ListNode newHead = new ListNode(head.val); 
     ListNode pointer = head.next; 

     // loop through each element in the list 
     while (pointer != null) { 
      // insert this element to the new list 

      ListNode innerPointer = newHead; 
      ListNode next = pointer.next; 

      if (pointer.val <= newHead.val) { 
       ListNode oldHead = newHead; 
       newHead = pointer; 
       newHead.next = oldHead; 
      } else { 
       while (innerPointer.next != null) { 

        if (pointer.val > innerPointer.val && pointer.val <= innerPointer.next.val) { 
         ListNode oldNext = innerPointer.next; 
         innerPointer.next = pointer; 
         pointer.next = oldNext; 

        innerPointer = innerPointer.next; 

       if (innerPointer.next == null && pointer.val > innerPointer.val) { 
        innerPointer.next = pointer; 
        pointer.next = null; 

      // finally 
      pointer = next; 
     long time = System.nanoTime() - start; 
     System.out.printf("The time taken was %.1f ns%n", (double) time); 
     return newHead; 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { 

     Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("random5k.txt")); 
     ListNode insertion = new ListNode(scanner.nextInt()); 
      ListNode nextNode = new ListNode(scanner.nextInt()); 
      insertion.next = nextNode; 

     insertion = insertionSortList(insertion); 

歡迎來到Stack Overflow!看起來你可能會問作業幫助。雖然我們本身沒有任何問題,但請觀察這些[應做和不應該](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/334822/how-do-i-ask-and-answer-homework-questions/338845#338845),並相應地編輯您的問題。 (即使這不是家庭作業,請考慮建議。) –


我解決了我的問題以匹配那些dos和dont的。 –


不過,這看起來像你需要學習使用調試器。請幫助一些[互補調試技術](https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/)。如果您之後仍然遇到問題,請隨時回答一個更具體的問題。 –



目前,我的代碼做的一切權利,除了從 文件讀取,它只是在第一和最後一個數字讀取。例如,如果I 以相反的順序從具有數字1到5000的文件中讀取,則其 將只讀取和排序5000和1。


public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { 

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("random5k.txt")); 
ListNode insertion = new ListNode(scanner.nextInt()); 
ListNode intNodes = insertion; 
    ListNode nextNode = new ListNode(scanner.nextInt()); 
    insertion.next = nextNode; 
    insertion = nextNode; 
intNodes = insertionSortList(intNodes); 

這個問題需要排序,而你的回答沒有完成。它也在空列表上失敗。 – EJP


@EJP,道歉。我甚至在閱讀完整的問題之前試圖提供答案。我編輯了我的答案。 – VHS


不客氣。你能否照顧這個答案的反對票? – VHS
