2015-04-03 69 views

您好,我正在嘗試按照manual安裝Oracle 12c。實際上它已經安裝在機器上,然後卸載。ins-20802 - 安裝期間Oracle網絡配置助手失敗 - centos 7

在安裝過程中,出現「[ins-20802] oracle net configuration assistant安裝失敗」錯誤窗口。並提出了詳細的日誌文件,在那裏我可以看到:

INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: starting read loop. 
INFO: Read: 
WARNING: Skipping line: 
INFO: End of argument passing to stdin 
INFO: Read: Parsing command line arguments: 
WARNING: Skipping line: Parsing command line arguments: 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "orahome" = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "orahome" = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "orahnam" = OraDB12Home1 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "orahnam" = OraDB12Home1 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "instype" = typical 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "instype" = typical 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "inscomp" = client,oraclenet,javavm,server,ano 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "inscomp" = client,oraclenet,javavm,server,ano 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "insprtcl" = tcp 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "insprtcl" = tcp 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "cfg" = local 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "cfg" = local 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "authadp" = NO_VALUE 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "authadp" = NO_VALUE 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "responsefile" = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/network/install/netca_typ.rsp 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "responsefile" = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/network/install/netca_typ.rsp 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "silent" = true 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "silent" = true 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Parameter "ouiinternal" = true 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Parameter "ouiinternal" = true 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Done parsing command line arguments. 
WARNING: Skipping line: Done parsing command line arguments. 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Oracle Net Services Configuration: 
WARNING: Skipping line: Oracle Net Services Configuration: 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Profile configuration complete. 
WARNING: Skipping line: Profile configuration complete. 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Oracle Net Listener Startup: 
WARNING: Skipping line: Oracle Net Listener Startup: 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Running Listener Control: 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Running Listener Control: 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/bin/lsnrctl start LISTENER 
WARNING: Skipping line:  /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/bin/lsnrctl start LISTENER 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Listener Control complete. 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Listener Control complete. 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read:  Listener start failed. 
WARNING: Skipping line:  Listener start failed. 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Check the trace file for details: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/netca/trace_OraDB12Home1-1504033PM3901.log 
WARNING: Skipping line: Check the trace file for details: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/netca/trace_OraDB12Home1-1504033PM3901.log 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Read: Oracle Net Services configuration failed. The exit code is 1 
WARNING: Skipping line: Oracle Net Services configuration failed. The exit code is 1 
INFO: Exceeded the number of arguments passed to stdin. CurrentCount:1 Total args:0 
INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant 


[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.329 MSK ] [OracleHome.getVersion:1059] Current Version From Inventory: 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.329 MSK ] [InitialSetup.<init>:4151] Admin location is: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/network/admin 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.718 MSK ] [ConfigureProfile.setProfileParam:140] Setting NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH: (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT) 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.735 MSK ] [HAUtils.getCurrentOracleHome:593] Oracle home from system property: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.735 MSK ] [HAUtils.getConfiguredGridHome:1343] ----- Getting CRS HOME ---- 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.737 MSK ] [UnixSystem.getCRSHome:2878] olrFileName = /etc/oracle/olr.loc 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.795 MSK ] [HAUtils.getHASHome:1500] Failed to get HAS home. 
PRCI-1144 : Failed to retrieve Oracle Grid Infrastructure home path 
PRKC-1144 : File "/etc/oracle/olr.loc" not found. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.795 MSK ] [InitialSetup.checkHAConfiguration:4808] HA Server is NOT configured. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.797 MSK ] [NetCAResponseFile.<init>:75] Response file initialized: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/network/install/netca_typ.rsp 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.798 MSK ] [NetCAResponseFile.getInstalledComponents:114] Installed components from response file: server, net8, javavm 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.798 MSK ] [NetCAResponseFile.getVirtualHost:171] Virtual Host from response file: null 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.799 MSK ] [SilentConfigure.performSilentConfigure:198] Typical profile configuration. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.801 MSK ] [ConfigureProfile.setProfileParam:140] Setting NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH: (TNSNAMES, EZCONNECT) 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.802 MSK ] [SilentConfigure.performSilentConfigure:206] Typical listener configuration. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.839 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isHASConfigured:1596] Calling SRVM api to check if Oracle Restart is configured ... 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.840 MSK ] [HAUtils.getCurrentOracleHome:593] Oracle home from system property: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.840 MSK ] [HAUtils.getConfiguredGridHome:1343] ----- Getting CRS HOME ---- 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.840 MSK ] [UnixSystem.getCRSHome:2878] olrFileName = /etc/oracle/olr.loc 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.841 MSK ] [HAUtils.getHASHome:1500] Failed to get HAS home. 
PRCI-1144 : Failed to retrieve Oracle Grid Infrastructure home path 
PRKC-1144 : File "/etc/oracle/olr.loc" not found. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.841 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isHASConfigured:1607] Is Oracle Restart configured: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.841 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isHASRunning:1636] Is Oracle Restart running: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.842 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.listenerExists:396] Is listener "LISTENER" already exists: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.842 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.typicalConfigure:257] Checking for free port in range: 1521-1540 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.842 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.validateEndPoint:1059] Validating end-point: TCP:1521 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.944 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1131] Checking if port 1521 is free on local machine... 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.945 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1146] InetAddress.getByName( / 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.945 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1148] Local host IP address: localhost.localdomain/ 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.945 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1150] Local host name: localhost.localdomain 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.945 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1166] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/, Is IPv6 Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.946 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1169] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/, Is Link-Local Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.946 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1194] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, IP Address: localhost.localdomain/ 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.968 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1197] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.968 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1166] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, Is IPv6 Address: true 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.968 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1169] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, Is Link-Local Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.968 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1194] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.969 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1197] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.969 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1209] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, Local IP Address: / 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.969 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1213] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.969 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1219] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.970 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1222] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.970 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1242] Returning is Port 1521 free: true 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.970 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.validateEndPoint:1114] Validation...Complete for TCP/TCPS. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:06.970 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.typicalConfigure:274] Using port: 1521 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.684 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1131] Checking if port 1521 is free on local machine... 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.685 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1146] InetAddress.getByName( / 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.686 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1148] Local host IP address: localhost.localdomain/ 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.686 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1150] Local host name: localhost.localdomain 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.687 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1166] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/, Is IPv6 Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.687 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1169] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/, Is Link-Local Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.687 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1194] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, IP Address: localhost.localdomain/ 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.688 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1197] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.688 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1166] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, Is IPv6 Address: true 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.689 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1169] IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, Is Link-Local Address: false 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.689 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1194] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, IP Address: localhost.localdomain/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.689 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1197] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.690 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1209] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521, Local IP Address: / 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.690 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1213] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.691 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1219] Creating ServerSocket on Port:1521 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.691 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1222] Created ServerSocket successfully. 
[main] [ 2015-04-03 15:39:08.692 MSK ] [ConfigureListener.isPortFree:1242] Returning is Port 1521 free: true 


PRCI-1144 : Failed to retrieve Oracle Grid Infrastructure home path 
PRKC-1144 : File "/etc/oracle/olr.loc" not found. 




我找到了這個例外的原因。如果有人會面臨相同的問題,只需創建/ etc/oracle文件夾並賦予它777權限。對我來說,它幫助


感謝,對我的工作! – 2016-09-16 06:35:11


對'777'設置任何權限是一個非常糟糕的主意,並會危及系統的安全。有人在刪除的答案中聲稱,文檔說它應該是'775'而不是,這是更合理的。 – OrangeDog 2016-09-24 21:19:35




在Centos7上安裝Oracle 12c(時,我還出現錯誤「[INS-20802] Oracle Net Configuration Assistant失敗」。

在我的情況下,在使用主機名和本地網絡IP在/ etc/hosts文件中添加一個條目後,錯誤消失了。


生成的/ etc/hosts中 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 
::1   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 centos100