2017-08-15 111 views



我試圖做同樣的事情,發現可以通過WMI啓動測試。查看ROOT\WMI名稱空間下的WMI類MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictFunction。該類有幾種不同的方法可以使用。其中之一是ExecuteSelfTest方法。 看看這個例子中,我與WMI代碼造物主(WMICodeCreator

       ManagementObject classInstance = 
        new ManagementObject("root\\WMI", 

       // Obtain in-parameters for the method 
       ManagementBaseObject inParams = 

       // Add the input parameters. 
       inParams["Subcommand"] = 1; 

       // Execute the method and obtain the return values. 
       ManagementBaseObject outParams = 
        classInstance.InvokeMethod("ExecuteSelfTest", inParams, null); 

       // List outParams 
       Console.WriteLine("Out parameters:"); 
       Console.WriteLine("ReturnCode: " + outParams["ReturnCode"]); 
      catch(ManagementException err) 
       MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to execute the WMI method: " + err.Message); 

您必須更改實例名在上面的代碼到你的diskname創建。我還發現,"Subcommand"參數是決定你實際開始測試的因素。 如果值爲1,則開始Short Self-test。 如果值爲2,則開始Extended Self-test

正如你可以接收這三個值['0', '1', '2']的一個輸出參數 而0代表'Successful Completion'1代表'Captive Mode Required'2代表'Unsuccessful Completion'。源(FailurePredictFunction


感謝LuXxn,它是如此之大!。我已經通過這種方式來執行SMART Self-Test。 –


我只能設法執行短自我測試和擴展自我測試。我無法通過其他測試來完成。你如何「跟蹤」你的測試?你讀過任何日誌或東西,看看它是否成功? – Luca



我已經爲你的嚮導成功,但我只許成功執行短Selft測試和擴展Selft測試。即使我的硬盤也支持立即以離線模式(值= 03h)測試SMART Conveyance自檢程序。但它總是返回代碼是1'Captive Mode Required'。你知道如何執行這個測試嗎?

我跟着ATA/ATAPI註釋設置ACS-3規範[表127,http://www.t13.org/Documents/UploadedDocuments/docs2013/d2161r5-ATAATAPI_Command_Set_-_3.pdf]確切地知道輸入參數EXCUTE SMART Selft測試

inParams [ 「子命令」] =值?;

/* ********************************************************************* 
     * Table 127 — SMART EXECUTE OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE Subcommands/Draft ATA/ATAPI Comment Set ACS-3 
     * http://www.t13.org/Documents/UploadedDocuments/docs2013/d2161r5-ATAATAPI_Command_Set_-_3.pdf 
     * Value Description of subcommand to be processed 
     * 00h  Execute SMART off-line routine immediately in off-line mode 
     * 01h  Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in off-line mode 
     * 02h  Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in off-line mode 
     * 03h  Execute SMART Conveyance self-test routine immediately in off-line mode 
     * 04h  Execute SMART Selective self-test routine immediately in off-line mode 
     * 05h-3Fh Reserved 
     * 40h-7Eh Vendor specific 
     * 7Fh  Abort off-line mode self-test routine 
     * 80h  Reserved 
     * 81h  Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in captive mode 
     * 82h  Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in captive mode 
     * 83h  Execute SMART Conveyance self-test routine immediately in captive mode 
     * 84h  Execute SMART Selective self-test routine immediately in captive mode 
     * 85h-8Fh Reserved 
     * 90h-FFh Vendor specific 
     * ********************************************************************/ 

要知道我的硬盤可以支持在離線模式下執行SMART運送自檢,我送SMART命令來獲得OfflineCollectCapability的值,然後返回值是0x73和遵循ATA/ATAPI註釋設置ACS-3規格[表133 http://www.t13.org/Documents/UploadedDocuments/docs2013/d2161r5-ATAATAPI_Command_Set_-_3.pdf]

    * Table 133 — Offline Data Collection Capabilities 
    * Bit  Description 
    * 7  Reserved 
    * 6  SELECTIVE SELF-TEST IMPLEMENTED bit – If this bit is cleared to zero, the device does not implement the 
    *   Selective self-test routine. If this bit is set to one, the device implements the Selective self-test routine. 
    * 5  CONVEYANCE SELF-TEST IMPLEMENTED bit – If this bit is cleared to zero, the device does not implement the 
    *   Conveyance self-test routines. If this bit is set to one, the device implements the Conveyance self-test 
    *   routines. 
    * 4  SELF-TEST IMPLEMENTED bit – If this bit is cleared to zero, the device does not implement the Short and 
    *   Extended self-test routines. If this bit is set to one, the device implements the Short and Extended 
    *   self-test routines. 
    * 3  OFF-LINE READ SCANNING IMPLEMENTED bit – If this bit is cleared to zero, the device does not support 
    *   off-line read scanning. If this bit is set to one, the device supports off-line read scanning. 
    * 2  ABORT/RESTART OFF-LINE BY HOST bit – If this bit is set to one, then the device shall abort all off-line data 
    *   collection activity initiated by a SMART EXECUTE OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE command upon receipt of a 
    *   new command within 2 seconds of receiving the new command. If this bit is cleared to zero, the device 
    *   shall suspend off-line data collection activity after an interrupting command and resume off-line data 
    *   collection activity after some vendor-specified event. 
    * 1  Vendor specific. 
    * 0  EXECUTE OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTED bit – If this bit is set to one, then the SMART EXECUTE 
    *   OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE command is implemented by this device. If this bit is cleared to zero, then the 
    *   SMART EXECUTE OFF-LINE IMMEDIATE command is not implemented by this device. 
    * *******************************************************************/ 
