2012-06-15 35 views

這是MSDN頁面中關於Parallel.For的示例代碼。我想在WinRT C#中做同樣的事情:WinRT Metro Apps相當於Parallel.ForEach

#region Sequential_Loop 
static void MultiplyMatricesSequential(double[,] matA, double[,] matB, double[,] result) 
    int matACols = matA.GetLength(1); 
    int matBCols = matB.GetLength(1); 
    int matARows = matA.GetLength(0); 

    for (int i = 0; i < matARows; i++) 
     for (int j = 0; j < matBCols; j++) 
      for (int k = 0; k < matACols; k++) 
       result[i, j] += matA[i, k] * matB[k, j]; 

#region Parallel_Loop 

static void MultiplyMatricesParallel(double[,] matA, double[,] matB, double[,] result) 
    int matACols = matA.GetLength(1); 
    int matBCols = matB.GetLength(1); 
    int matARows = matA.GetLength(0); 

    // A basic matrix multiplication. 
    // Parallelize the outer loop to partition the source array by rows. 
    Parallel.For(0, matARows, i => 
     for (int j = 0; j < matBCols; j++) 
      // Use a temporary to improve parallel performance. 
      double temp = 0; 
      for (int k = 0; k < matACols; k++) 
       temp += matA[i, k] * matB[k, j]; 
      result[i, j] = temp; 
    }); // Parallel.For 


什麼是WinRT Metro的等效int C#?我應該創建一個任務數組並等待完成數組嗎?


此時沒有一個等效的方法。包含'Parallel.ForEach'的.NET Framework擴展目前不包含在Win RT .NET Profile中。如果是,那麼你的代碼就可以工作。 **隨意寫一個自己。** –





static async Task MultiplyMatricesAsync(double[,] matA, double[,] matB, double[,] result) 
    int matACols = matA.GetLength(1); 
    int matBCols = matB.GetLength(1); 
    int matARows = matA.GetLength(0); 

    var tasks = Enumerable.Range(0, matARows).Select(i => 
     Task.Run(() => 
     for (int j = 0; j < matBCols; j++) 
      // Use a temporary to improve parallel performance. 
      double temp = 0; 
      for (int k = 0; k < matACols; k++) 
      temp += matA[i, k] * matB[k, j]; 
      result[i, j] = temp; 
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks); 

謝謝斯蒂芬,多數民衆贊成我正在尋找。 –
