2012-07-23 34 views


|  RVA to a list of |  DATE/TIME   | 
| pointer to APIs names |       | IMPORT DATA DIRECTORY 
+-------------------------+-------------------------+   #1 
| .DLL address (unused) |  RVA to .DLL name | 
|RVA to API address list | 

Ollydbg. Notice the value of eax on the right side (00402048) which is the value I looked up in the import section and then look at the value of the highlighted instruction (00402000)


我試圖從(RVA到API地址列表)中調用第一個函數ExitProcess但是當我嘗試向該地址發出調用時,它導致我的程序崩潰。當我使用Ollydbg對其進行調試時,發現調用ExitProcess時的地址與我在列表中找到的地址不同。在Ollydbg中我發現的地址指向< & KERNEL32.ExitProcess>,而調用ExitProcess指向< JMP。 & KERNEL32.ExitProcess>。我讀過某處關於某種jmp存根的內容。這是什麼?我應該如何調用「RVA到API地址列表」中的函數?



extern printf 
extern ExitProcess 
global _start 
section .code 
    mov eax, [imagebase] 
    mov esi, eax 
    add eax, 3ch 
    mov eax, DWORD [eax] 
    add eax, esi; PE header pointer in eax 
    add eax, 128; 24 for PE Optional Header offset and then 104 for import RVA 
    mov ebx, DWORD [eax] 
    add ebx, DWORD [imagebase]; ebx now has import section offset 
    mov eax, DWORD [ebx+16] 
    add eax, DWORD [imagebase]; has array offset 
    mov ecx, ExitProcess 
    push 0 
    call ecx 
    ;call eax 
    ;jmp ecx 
    ;call ExitProcess 

imagebase: db 0,0,64,0; 0x00400000; This is right 

該問題的屏幕截圖將有所幫助。 – 2012-07-23 18:41:09


直接使用導入表條目調用一個函數應該不會引起問題。我懷疑你的調用函數中的某個地方必須返回而不用恢復寄存器,堆棧或除外處理程序。您可以在程序入口點使用'CALL DWORD PTR [EAX]'進行測試。其中'EAX'是'ExitProcess'的導入表項的地址。 – Jay 2012-07-24 03:10:18


其實現在我只是試着將ExitProcess的地址移到ecx然後調用ecx。用ollydbg看,我仍然得到了我在函數指針列表中所做的相同地址,但它不起作用。它唯一的工作是當我「調用ExitProcess」時。我也嘗試跳轉到ecx。那也行不通。 – 2012-07-24 03:23:35




extern printf 
extern ExitProcess 
global _start 
section .code 
    mov eax, [imagebase] 
    mov esi, eax 
    add eax, 3ch 
    mov eax, DWORD [eax] 
    add eax, esi; PE header pointer in eax 
    add eax, 128; 24 for PE Optional Header offset and then 104 for import RVA 
    mov ebx, DWORD [eax] 
    add ebx, DWORD [imagebase]; ebx now has import section offset 
    mov eax, DWORD [ebx+16] 
    add eax, DWORD [imagebase]; has array offset 
    mov eax, [eax];This is what I needed to do 
    push 0 
    call eax 

imagebase: db 0,0,64,0;