2015-11-30 84 views

我想創建一個簡單的英語遊戲,檢查某人的句子。他們能夠使用詞庫中固定的單詞構造他們的句子。簡單的語法檢查程序 - 最佳數據結構


hi I want to eat.

我問這個問題上English SO爲:

[want, eat, I, hi, to]

然後,他們會以正確的順序創建自己的句子它最初涉及到語法問題 - 這個問題已經演變成更多的數據結構問題。您可以在該鏈接閱讀更多關於它的內容。我最初的想法是使用一套通用的英語規則來檢查句子語法,似乎它可能會很快變得太複雜。建議我只使用硬編碼的檢查,如下所示。


if (input === the_answer) { 
    msg = correct! 
    } else { 
    msg = 'Try again: ' + this.grammarRules(input, the_answer)); 

Language_System.prototype.grammarRules = function(input, answer) { 

    var grammar_hints = { 
    quest1 : { 
     task1 : [ 
     'The subject, Bob, needs to be first', 
     'The phrase is Hello there' 

    var grammar_rules = { 

    quest1 : { 
     task1 : function (input, answer) { 
     var error = -1; 
     if (input[0] !== answer[0]) { 
      error = 0; 
     } else if (input.indexOf('hello') > input.indexOf('there')) { 
      error = 1; 
     return grammar_hints.quest1.task1[error]; 


    return grammar_rules.Lee.quest1.task1(input, answer);  




這將是容易得多,如果你考慮一個更聲明的方式: - 定義一個標準quest結構 - 定義與通用輸入格式 標準task結構 - 定義通用驗證並重新使用它們



var quests = [ 
     name: 'Quest 1', 
     tasks: [ 
       name: 'Task 1', 
       solution: 'hi I want to eat', 
       validators: [ 
        validators.verbAfterNoun('want', 'I'), 


var validators = { 
    first: function (input, term) { 
     if (input[0] !== term) { 
      return 'The sentence needs to start with: ' + term; 

    verbAfterNoun: function (input, verb, noun) { 
     if (input.indexOf(verb) < input.indexOf(noun)) { 
      return 'The verb, ' + verb + ', needs to come after the noun ' + noun; 


// This is a factory method that applies the given callback (with the given arguments) 
function makeValidator (fn) { 
    return function inputFN() { 
     var args = [].slice.call(arguments); 
     return function validate (input) { 
      return fn.apply(null, [input].concat(args)); 

// Apply the makeValidator() method on all the validators 
for (var key in validators) { 
    validators[key] = makeValidator(validators[key]); 


// This method provides the generic validation framework for any task given any input 
function validate (task, input) { 
    var wordList = input.split(' '); 

    if (input === task.solution) return {success: true, errors: []}; 

    var errors = []; 
    task.validators.forEach(function (fn) { 
     var error = fn(wordList); 
     if (error) errors.push(error); 
    return {success: false, errors: errors}; 


var task = quests[0].tasks[0]; 
console.log(validate(task, 'hi I want to eat')); 
console.log(validate(task, 'I want to eat hi')); 
console.log(validate(task, 'hi want I to eat')); 
console.log(validate(task, 'want I to eat hi')); 


// This is a factory method that applies the given callback (with the given arguments) 
function makeValidator (fn) { 
    return function inputFN() { 
     var args = [].slice.call(arguments); 
     return function validate (input) { 
      return fn.apply(null, [input].concat(args)); 

var validators = { 
    first: function (input, term) { 
     if (input[0] !== term) { 
      return 'The sentence needs to start with: ' + term; 

    verbAfterNoun: function (input, verb, noun) { 
     if (input.indexOf(verb) < input.indexOf(noun)) { 
      return 'The verb, ' + verb + ', needs to come after the noun ' + noun; 

// Apply the makeValidator() method on all the validators 
for (var key in validators) { 
    validators[key] = makeValidator(validators[key]); 

var quests = [ 
     name: 'Quest 1', 
     tasks: [ 
       name: 'Task 1', 
       solution: 'hi I want to eat', 
       validators: [ 
        validators.verbAfterNoun('want', 'I'), 

// This method provides the generic validation framework for any task given any input 
function validate (task, input) { 
    var wordList = input.split(' '); 

    if (input === task.solution) return {success: true, errors: []}; 

    var errors = []; 
    task.validators.forEach(function (fn) { 
     var error = fn(wordList); 
     if (error) errors.push(error); 
    return {success: false, errors: errors}; 

function printTask (input) { 
    var task = quests[0].tasks[0]; 
    var result = validate(task, input); 
    document.body.innerHTML += '<div><b>checking:</b> ' + input + '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 4) + '</pre><hr />'; 

// Lets look at some examples 
printTask('I want to eat hi'); 
printTask('hi want I to eat'); 
printTask('want I to eat hi'); 
printTask('hi I want to eat');


這是真棒,右側管線與我所期待的。其實,我發佈哈哈後,我開始通過詞類通過詞類傳遞。這太棒了! – Growler


因此,我不會將'validators'中的每個驗證器初始化爲函數,而是使用'makeValidator'動態創建它們? – Growler


差不多,是的。它使得工作/理解驗證器是否爲無狀態函數更容易:它們接受所有參數併爲相同輸入返回相同的結果。 'makeValidator'助手只是允許你輕鬆地重用驗證器,同時也基本上將它們的參數硬編碼到每個個案中,但是在個案的基礎上。 您可以通過選擇不同的語法來放棄'makeValidator'邏輯,例如使用驗證器的名字,做論證邏輯在'驗證method' 任務:{驗證:[ [第一,「喜」], } ,然後做在'validate' – Stefan