2011-10-17 63 views

詮釋這一類,其中運營商< <定義(見代碼),而試圖用gcc 4.6.1我得到以下錯誤編譯:在沒有比賽的「運營商< <」 'std :: cout < < a'。這是怎麼回事?缺少操作員<<但它的存在

template<class Int_T = int, typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Min_Range = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::min(), 
          typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Max_Range = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::max()> 
class Int 
Int_T data_; 

Int_T get_data()const 
return data_; 

//Here is this operator defined 
template<class Int_T> 
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Int<Int_T, Best_Fit<Int_T>::type, Best_Fit<Int_T>::type>& obj) 
    out << obj.get_data(); 
    return out; 



struct Signed_Type 
    typedef long long type; 

struct Unsigned_Type 
    typedef unsigned long long type; 

template<bool Cond, class First, class Second> 
struct if_ 
    typedef typename First::type type; 

template<class First, class Second> 
struct if_<false,First,Second> 
    typedef typename Second::type type; 

template<class Int_T> 
struct Best_Fit 
{//evaluate it lazily ;) 
    typedef typename if_<std::is_signed<Int_T>::value,Signed_Type,Unsigned_Type>::type type; 



#include <iostream> 
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    Int<signed char,1,20> a(30); 

    cout << a; 

可以爲用戶提供一個例子主要? –


@VJo編輯,見OP – smallB


這是一些快樂的模板魔法。你在包裝標準的數字類型,不是嗎?如果不是祕密,你的目標是什麼?你爲什麼做這個? – Septagram




template<class Int_T = int, typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Min_Range 
            = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::min(), // constant! 
          typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Max_Range 
            = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::max() // constant! 
class Int 
template<class Int_T> 
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, 
         const Int<Int_T, 
            Best_Fit<Int_T>::type, // type! 
            Best_Fit<Int_T>::type // type! 
         >& obj) 


template<class Int_T = int, typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Min_Range 
            = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::min(), // constant! 
          typename Best_Fit<Int_T>::type Max_Range 
            = std::numeric_limits<Int_T>::max() // constant! 
class Int { 
    friend     // allows you to define a free function inside the class 
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, 
          Int const & obj) { // Can use plain Int to refer to this 
                // intantiation. No need to redeclare 
                // all template arguments 
     return out << obj.get_data(); 

那麼你會提出什麼建議? – smallB


那麼你說的是我應該聲明它是一個類的成員?但是有沒有辦法將其聲明爲「獨立」的fnc? – smallB


我編輯了答案,你可以做的最簡單的事情是在類作用域內定義運算符。或者你可以嘗試修復模板。沒有試過,所以沒有保證:'template :: type Min_Range,typename Best_Fit :: type Max_Range> std :: ostream&operator <<(std :: ostream&o,Int const&obj){...' –