我使用Mac OS X 10.8.2和Mac App Store版本的Evernote 5.0.5(400805)。
set ExportPath to "LegatusHD1:Users:me:Downloads:Test"
set theAttachments to {}
set selectedItems to {}
tell application "Evernote"
set selectedItems to selection
repeat with selectedItem in selectedItems
set theAttachments to (attachments of selectedItem)
repeat with theAttachment in theAttachments
set theFilename to (ExportPath & ":" & theAttachment's filename)
write theAttachment to theFilename
set theFilename to ""
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
的代碼似乎爲我工作... – adayzdone 2013-02-17 20:48:01
@adayzdone:您使用哪種版本的Evernote和Mac OS X?他們和我一樣嗎?您是否使用Mac OS X 10.8.2和Evernote 5.0.5(400805)? – Darkstar 2013-02-19 00:23:42
10.6.8和版本5.0.5(400808) – adayzdone 2013-02-19 01:23:50