class ContactBook:
This class represents a book of contacts.
It can store names and phone numbers.
def __init__(self):
# Create an empty dictionary
self.contacts = {}
def __repr__(self):
# Just print a string version of the dictionary
return str(self.contacts)
def __add__(self, other):
con2 = ContactBook()
for name in self.contacts:
if name in other.contacts and self.contacts[name] != other.contacts[name]:
con2.contacts[name] = self.contacts[name] + " or " + other.contacts[name]
con2.contacts[name] = self.contacts[name]
for name in other.contacts:
if name not in self.contacts:
con2.contacts[name] = other.contacts[names]
return con2
def add_contact(self, name, number):
# Adds a name --> phone number pair to
# the dictionary.
self.contacts[name] = number
# Program starts here
cb1 = ContactBook()
cb2 = ContactBook()
cb1.add_contact("Jonathan", "444-555-6666")
cb1.add_contact("Puneet", "333-555-7777")
cb2.add_contact("Jonathan", "222-555-8888")
cb2.add_contact("Lisa", "111-555-9999")
# The result of this should be a book that
# looks like this:
# {
# "Jonathan": "444-555-6666 or 222-555-8888",
# "Puneet": "333-555-7777",
# "Lisa": "111-555-9999"
# }
cb3 = cb1 + cb2
print cb1
print cb2
print cb3
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