沒有初始值設定項(從Swift 2.2開始,至少應包含一個初始值設定項)。
- 什麼是
如果固定上面,你的代碼的實際濾波部分按預期(請注意,你可以省略從filter() {... }
enum ObjectType{
case type1
case type2
case type3
class MyObject {
var type : ObjectType
let id: Int
init(type: ObjectType, id: Int) {
self.type = type
self.id = id
let array = [MyObject(type: .type1, id: 1),
MyObject(type: .type2, id: 2),
MyObject(type: .type3, id: 3),
MyObject(type: .type2, id: 4),
MyObject(type: .type3, id: 5)]
let type2Array = array.filter { $0.type == .type2}
type2Array.forEach { print($0.id) } // 2, 4
可讓您(除了篩選w.r.t.t.t.t.t. rawValue
enum ObjectType : Int {
case type1 = 1 // rawValue = 1
case type2 // rawValue = 2, implicitly
case type3 // ...
class MyObject {
var type : ObjectType
let id: Int
init(type: ObjectType, id: Int) {
self.type = type
self.id = id
let array = [MyObject(type: .type1, id: 1),
MyObject(type: .type2, id: 2),
MyObject(type: .type3, id: 3),
MyObject(type: .type2, id: 4),
MyObject(type: .type3, id: 5)]
/* filter w.r.t. to rawValue */
let type2Array = array.filter { $0.type.rawValue == 2}
type2Array.forEach { print($0.id) } // 2, 4
/* filter using pattern matching, for rawValues in range [1,2],
<=> filter true for cases .type1 and .type2 */
let type1or2Array = array.filter { 1...2 ~= $0.type.rawValue }
type1or2Array.forEach { print($0.id) } // 1, 2, 4
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