2017-03-17 51 views


An example showing how the data is arranged.




Sub UpdateSheet() 

    Dim i As Integer 

    Dim targetRow As Integer 
    Dim nextTargetRow As Integer 
    Dim lastTargetRow As Integer 

    Dim totalRows As Integer 
    Dim totalSearchRows As Integer 

    Dim searchRange As Range 
    Dim nextSearchRange As Range 
    Dim lastSearchRange As Range 

    totalRows = Sheet5.Cells(Sheet5.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 
    totalSearchRows = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

    'Sets search range to column in larger spreadsheet with Item # 
    Set searchRange = Sheet1.Range(Sheet1.Cells(2, 4), Sheet1.Cells(totalSearchRows, 4)) 

    'For each item # in new spreadsheet 
    For i = 2 To i = totalRows 
     'Finds first row in search range which matches item # 
     targetRow = Application.Match(Sheet5.Cells(i, 4), searchRange, 0) 
     'If supplier ID column values match, replace entire row in Sheet 1 with values from corresponding row in Sheet5 
     If Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(targetRow, 1).Value Then 
      Sheet1.Cells(targetRow, 1).EntireRow.Value = Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Value 
     'If supplier ID column values do not match, search for next item # match 
     Else: Set nextSearchRange = Sheet1.Range("D" & targetRow + 1, "D" & totalSearchRows) 
      nextTargetRow = Application.Match(Sheet5.Cells(i, 4), nextSearchRange, 0) 
      If Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(nextTargetRow, 1).Value Then 
       Sheet1.Cells(nextTargetRow, 1).EntireRow.Value = Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Value 
      Else: Set lastSearchRange = Sheet1.Range("D" & nextTargetRow + 1, "D" & totalSearchRows) 
       lastTargetRow = Application.Match(Sheet5.Cells(i, 4), lastSearchRange, 0) 
       If Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(lastTargetRow, 1).Value Then 
        Sheet1.Cells(lastTargetRow, 1).EntireRow.Value = Sheet5.Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Value 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 


End Sub 



你是說:如果在大張的項目和供應商的ID在小比賽然後用來自小薄片的數據覆蓋大薄片中的數據?小單中是否有大單中沒有匹配項目和供應商ID的數據?上傳的圖片可能有幫助... –


小薄片是較大薄片的子集。小型表中的所有行都存在於較大的表中,因此應該沒有物品ID不匹配的實例。是的,你對我想用這個宏做的事情是正確的。我會寫一個示例表並將其放在這裏。 – Condav


@AlexP我上傳了一張圖片。另一種是相同的格式,但更長。如果圖片給了你任何想法,請讓我知道。我正在考慮嘗試使用Find和FindNext,但真的希望這個工作。 – Condav




Sub UpdateSheets() 

    Dim wb As Workbook 
    Dim wsData As Worksheet 
    Dim wsNew As Worksheet 
    Dim rSearchCell As Range 
    Dim rFound As Range 
    Dim sFirst As String 
    Dim sMessage As String 
    Dim sNotFound As String 
    Dim lUpdateCounter As Long 
    Dim bUpdated As Boolean 

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 
    Set wsData = wb.Sheets(1) 
    Set wsNew = wb.Sheets(5) 

    'Item ID is column D, search for that first 
    For Each rSearchCell In wsNew.Range("D2", wsNew.Cells(wsNew.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp)).Cells 
     bUpdated = False 
     Set rFound = Nothing 
     Set rFound = wsData.Columns("D").Find(rSearchCell.Value, wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "D"), xlValues, xlWhole) 
     If Not rFound Is Nothing Then 
      'Match was found for the Item ID, start a loop to match the Supplier ID in column A 
      sFirst = rFound.Address 
       If LCase(wsData.Cells(rFound.Row, "A").Value) = LCase(wsNew.Cells(rSearchCell.Row, "A").Value) Then 
        'Found the matching supplier ID, update the Data sheet with the info from the New sheet 
        rFound.EntireRow.Value = rSearchCell.EntireRow.Value 
        lUpdateCounter = lUpdateCounter + 1 
        bUpdated = True 
        Exit Do 'Exit the Find loop and move to the next rSearchCell 
       End If 
       Set rFound = wsData.Columns("D").FindNext(rFound) 
      Loop While rFound.Address <> sFirst 
     End If 
     If bUpdated = False Then 
      sNotFound = sNotFound & Chr(10) & "Item ID: " & rSearchCell.Value & " // Supplier ID: " & wsNew.Cells(rSearchCell.Row, "A").Value 
     End If 
    Next rSearchCell 

    sMessage = "Update completed for " & lUpdateCounter & " rows of data." 
    If Len(sNotFound) > 0 Then 
     sMessage = sMessage & Chr(10) & _ 
        Chr(10) & _ 
        "Unable to find matches for the following rows:" & _ 
    End If 

    'Provide message to user indicating macro completed, and if there were any rows not found in wsData 
    MsgBox sMessage, , "Update Completed" 

End Sub 

謝謝!這很有效,而且速度很快。非常感激。 – Condav

Sub UpdateData() 
    Dim item As Range, items As Range, master As Range, search_item As String, cl As Range 

    Set items = Worksheets("Small").Range("D2:D" & Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row) 
    Set master = Worksheets("Large").Range("D2:D" & Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row) 

    For Each item In items 
     search_item = item 

     Set cl = master.Find(What:=search_item, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) 

     If Not cl Is Nothing Then 

      If cl.Offset(0, -3) = item.Offset(0, -3) Then 
       Range(Cells(item.Row, 8), Cells(item.Row, 11)).Copy Destination:=cl.Offset(0, 4) 
        Set cl = master.FindNext(After:=cl) 
        If cl.Offset(0, -3) = item.Offset(0, -3) Then 
         Range(Cells(item.Row, 8), Cells(item.Row, 11)).Copy Destination:=cl.Offset(0, 4) 
         Exit Do 
        End If 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next item 
End Sub 