注:我不關心我的服務器的CPU(這是運行這個時爲< 15%)。我非常關心我的數據庫的CPU。
- 目前,每個腳本運行時,它會被$ this-> set_content_source_cache它返回陣列(「鏈接」,「鏈接」的數組,「鏈接'等)來自表中的所有行。這用於稍後交叉引用以確保沒有重複鏈接。不會這樣做,只是改變數據庫,所以鏈接列是獨一無二的速度?可能將這個數組放在memcached中,而只需要每天一小時創建一次該數組?
- break語句是否設置了鏈接,以便它移動到下一個源?
- 只檢查少於一週的鏈接?
//$this->set_content_source_cache goes through all 50,000 rows and adds each link to an array so that it's array('link', 'link', 'link', etc.)
$cache_source_array = $this->set_content_source_cache();
$qry = "select source, source_id, source_name, geography_id, industry_id from content_source";
foreach($this->sql->result($qry) as $row_source) {
$feed = simplexml_load_file($row_source['source']);
if(!empty($feed)) {
for ($i=0; $i < 10 ; $i++) {
// most often there are only 10 feeds per rss. Since we check every 2 minutes, if there are
// a few more, then meh, we probably got it last time around
if(!empty($feed->channel->item[$i])) {
// make sure that the item is not blank
$title = $feed->channel->item[$i]->title;
$content = $feed->channel->item[$i]->description;
$link = $feed->channel->item[$i]->link;
$pubdate = $feed->channel->item[$i]->pubdate;
$source_id = $row_source['source_id'];
$source_name = $row_source['source_name'];
$geography_id = $row_source['geography_id'];
$industry_id = $row_source['industry_id'];
// random stuff in here to each link/article to make it data-worthy
if(!isset($cache_source_array[$link])) {
// start the transaction
$qry = "insert into content (headline, content, link, article_date, status, source_id, source_name, ".
"industry_id, geography_id) VALUES ".
"(?, ?, ?, ?, 2, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$this->db->query($qry, array($title, $content, $link, $pubdate, $source_id, $source_name, $industry_id, $geography_id));
// this is my framework's version of mysqli_insert_id()
$content_id = $this->db->insert_id();
$qry = "insert into content_ratings (content_id, comment_count, company_count, contact_count, report_count, read_count) VALUES ".
"($content_id, '0', '0', 0, '0', '0')";
$result2 = $this->db->query($qry);
if($this->db->trans_status() == TRUE) {
$cache_source_array[$link] = $content_id;
echo "Good!<br />";
} else {
echo "Bad!<br />";
} else {
// link alread exists
echo "link exists!";
} else {
// feed is empty
我被教導說,通過創造獨特的列DB第一查詢本身,查看是否有匹配......因此,在本質上,我會爲每個插入操作做一個50,000條記錄查詢。這是錯誤的嗎?你能列出參考嗎?我通常好奇你是否正確,所以這就是我問的原因。 –
@couldBeWrong看到我的編輯 –
哇,我被教導的截然不同。無論教給我什麼新東西(謝謝!),我都會給你一個觀點,我會去進行一些速度測試。如果我發現它顯着加速,那麼我一定會標記爲正確的! –