讀NSURLConnection.h頭文件 - 你會看到這樣的評論:
When created, an NSURLConnection performs a deep-copy of the
NSURLRequest. This copy is available through the
-originalRequest method. As the connection performs the load,
this request may change as a result of protocol
canonicalization or due to following redirects.
-currentRequest can be used to retrieve this value.
如果您使用的是非常簡單的NSURLRequest對象,它可能與在初始化NSURLConnection之前執行[請求副本]一樣簡單,否則您需要查看如何實現深度複製。 NSURLRequest確實實現了NSCoding,因此,如果這是您需要的,您可以將其歸檔並取消歸檔以製作深層副本。
我正在潛入已有的代碼,我發現它在4.3中突破。這爲我修好了。 – jaime 2012-10-06 05:02:26