我對linux很新穎,並試圖在opensuse 12.1上設置cakephp。我在cakephp網站(博客教程)上講過,並且很可能遇到了一些權限問題。我在/ SRV /網絡/ htdocs目錄耳光CakePHP的文件夾,然後嘗試使用本地主機/ CakePHP的地方說,在opensuse上設置cakephp
Access forbidden!
You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
Suse:/srv # ls -lR shows sankalp as owner for all the files down the tree.
[email protected]:/srv/www/htdocs> whoami
[email protected]:/srv/www/htdocs> ls -l
total 108
drwxrwxrwx 6 sankalp users 4096 Jun 27 12:44 cakephp
-rw-r--r-- 1 sankalp users 73728 Jul 6 10:41 das
-rwxrwxrwx 1 sankalp root 302 Mar 13 2006 favicon.ico
-rwxrwxrwx 1 sankalp root 26 Jun 28 19:04 whoami.php
我也嘗試了您的建議,但這不會有任何用處,因爲我之前提到我甚至無法在瀏覽器中使用localhost/cakephp訪問/ srv/www/htdocs/cakephp.Someone告訴我檢查我是誰運行我的服務器(Apache),但我不確定。 – Sankalp 2012-07-06 08:30:13