我試圖從Excel導入數據到Access中。 2010年兩者都是完美的,直到我遇到一個包含[文本'A'文本]的單元格。此時訪問完全停止Sub。當我手動將Excel單元格更改爲[文本文本]或將''更改爲``時,所有內容都可以再次正常工作。但是必須手動更改源Excel才能達到目的。當excel單元格包含雙精度值時,VBA將excel導入訪問毛刺''
當一個或多個單元格包含['A']時,如何導入Excel工作表? 非常感謝您的幫助。
'This checks if file exsist, imports file, then imports any sequential files.
Option Explicit
Public Sub ImportXL2(bolJustExcelFile As Boolean, Optional bolRefresh As Boolean)
Dim rstXL As DAO.Recordset
Dim x As Integer, y As Long
Dim strPath1 As String, strPath2 As String
Dim strPN As String, strDescription As String, strPrime As String
Dim intOHB As Integer, sngCost As Single, intMin As Integer, intMax As Integer
Dim strCode As Integer, strNumber As String, strDate As String, strQty As Integer, strRepairable As String, strEntity As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM ExcelFile"
If bolJustExcelFile = False Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM ExcelFileCombined"
End If
For x = 1 To 10
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM ExcelFiletemp"
strPath1 = Environ("userprofile") & "\Desktop\Folder\ExcelFile.xlsx"
strPath2 = Environ("userprofile") & "\Desktop\Folder\ExcelFile" & x & ".xlsx"
If x = 1 Then
If FileExists(strPath1) = -1 Then
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "ExcelFiletemp", strPath1, False, "A:L"
If bolRefresh = True Then
MsgBox "ExcelFile File Not Found", , "Missing ExcelFile File"
End If
Exit For
End If
If FileExists(strPath2) = -1 And bolJustExcelFile = False Then
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "ExcelFiletemp", strPath2, False, "A:L"
GoTo SkipXL
End If
End If
Set rstXL = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM ExcelFiletemp", dbOpenSnapshot)
For y = 1 To 4
Next y
strEntity = Right(rstXL![F1], 6)
For y = 1 To 4
Next y
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
For y = 1 To rstXL.RecordCount - 8
strPN = rstXL![F1]
strDescription = rstXL![F2]
strPrime = rstXL![F3]
intOHB = rstXL![F4]
sngCost = rstXL![F5]
intMin = rstXL![F6]
intMax = rstXL![F7]
strCode = rstXL![F8]
strRepairable = rstXL![F12]
If x = 1 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO ExcelFile (PN, Description, Prime, OHB, Cost, Min, Max, Code, Repairable, Entity) VALUES ('" & strPN & "','" & strDescription & "','" & strPrime & "'," & intOHB & "," & sngCost & "," & intMin & "," & intMax & "," & strCode & ",'" & strRepairable & "','" & strEntity & "');"
End If
If bolJustExcelFile = False Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO ExcelFileCombined (PN, Description, Prime, OHB, Cost, Min, Max, Code, Repairable, Entity) VALUES ('" & strPN & "','" & strDescription & "','" & strPrime & "'," & intOHB & "," & sngCost & "," & intMin & "," & intMax & "," & strCode & ",'" & strRepairable & "','" & strEntity & "');"
End If
Next y
Next x
Set rstXL = Nothing
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
If Err.Number = 94 Then 'Invalid use of Null
End If
End Sub
您使用的是單引號來包裝你的文本字段。您可能需要將字符串中的單引號替換爲無 - 或轉義它們。您還應該修改錯誤處理程序,以便在SQL插入錯誤的情況下進行陷阱和退出(如果需要)你如何處理單引號取決於你是否希望他們在你的數據庫中完全一樣 - 或者清理 – dbmitch
一個繁瑣但可能有效的方法可能是將數據導入爲數組,並通過它們循環轉義單引號( ascii 39,又名打字機撇號)。這可能有所幫助:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/881194/how-do-i-escape-special-characters-in-mysql/881208#881208 – Miqi180
[參數查詢](http://stackoverflow.com/search q =%5Bms接入%5D +參數+查詢) – HansUp