Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: (whatever number, space, F/C I put in to test it0
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt<Integer.java:492>
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt<Integer.java:527>
at Temp.Conv.main<TempConv.java:14>
我猜的Java不像我試圖使用Parse搜索字符串中的整數。 有關如何完成它的任何建議?
public class TempConv
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String reply = "y";
System.out.println("Enter temp (ex. 70 F or 23 C): ");
String CF = input.nextLine(); // inputs string
int temp = Integer.parseInt(CF); // to get integers from string
for (int i = 0; i < CF.length(); ++i)
char aChar = CF.charAt(i);
if (aChar == 'F') // looking in string for F
// go to f2c()
else if (aChar == 'C') // looking for C
// go to c2f()
System.out.println("Would you like to covert another temp? <y/n> ");
reply = input.next();
static void f2c(int j)
int c = (j - 32)*(5/9);
System.out.println(j + "F = " + c + "C");
static void c2f(int k)
int f = (k*(5/9))+32;
System.out.println(k + "C = " + f + "F");