2015-11-06 59 views


我擡起頭來的文件和它說,If a reallocation happens, the strong guarantee is also given if the type of the elements is either copyable or no-throw moveable.

所以是我的代碼在這裏安全嗎? Star是一個包含浮點數的基本數據結構。

 std::vector<Star> stars; 

     #pragma omp parallel for 
     for(size_t i = 1; i < (gimg.height() - 1) * 2; i++) 
      float i_ = i/2.0f; 

      for(float j = 1; j < gimg.width() - 1; j += 0.5f) 
       //a b c 
       //d e f 
       //g h k 

       quantum_t e = gimg.bilinear(j, i_); 

       quantum_t a = gimg.bilinear(j - 1, i_ - 1); 
       if(a >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t b = gimg.bilinear(j, i_ - 1); 
       if(b >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t c = gimg.bilinear(j + 1, i_ + 1); 
       if(c >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t d = gimg.bilinear(j - 1, i_); 
       if(d >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t f = gimg.bilinear(j + 1, i_); 
       if(f >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t g = gimg.bilinear(j - 1, i_ + 1); 
       if(g >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t h = gimg.bilinear(j, i_ + 1); 
       if(h >= e) continue; 

       quantum_t k = gimg.bilinear(j + 1, i_ + 1); 
       if(k >= e) continue; 

       bool ismax = d >= a && d >= g && h >= g && h >= k && f >= k && f >= c && b >= c && b >= a; 

        Star s; 
        s.brightness = e; 
        s.location = Point<float>(j, i_); 

        #pragma omp critical 

如果拋出未捕獲的異常是不好的,爲什麼不把'push_back'放在'try-catch'中呢? –



OpenMP標準說,附近的section 2.7.1末:

環區域內執行的throw必須使執行環區域的同一迭代內恢復 ,並在同一個線程那 拋出的異常一定要抓住它。

所以封閉的push_back()try - catch結構,本身critical區域內應該讓你的代碼是安全的。