Input has a max limit of 250, but displays '∞' after 50:
<input id="order_quantity" type="number" value="1" size="30" name="order[quantity]" min="0" max="250">
Input has no max, but displays a '10+' after 10:
<input id="other_quantity" type="number" value="1" size="30" name="other[quantity]" min="0">
$.fn.maxDisplay = function(max, max_display) {
return this.each(function() {
var $input = $(this);
// Create a label that will position itself ontop of the input field. The
// label's text display will default to 'max+'.
var $label = $('<label>');
$label.html(max_display ? max_display : '' + max + '+')
.css({ position : "absolute",
left : "6px",
top : "3px" });
// Wrap the input in a div with relative position so that the label can be
// positioned via absolute.
$input.wrapAll('<div style="position: relative;">');
// Insert label before the input.
// Store off the input's text color.
var color = $input.css('color');
function hide_label() {
// If the label is already hidden, just return early.
if (!$label.is(':visible')) return;
// Reset the text color so that it is visible.
$input.css({ color: color });
function show_label() {
// If the label is already visible, just return early.
if ($label.is(':visible')) return;
// The color property does not support transparent, so mimic this by
// matching the background color.
$input.css({ color: $input.css('background-color') });
// Control when the label is displayed.
function display_label() {
if (max >= $input.val()) {
else {
// Invoke to set initial display.
// Bind to events.
$input.change(display_label) // Display label based on value.
.focus(hide_label) // Hide label if input is focused.
.blur(display_label); // Hide/show label when input loses focus.
// The label is sitting over the input field, so have its click behavior
// mimic that of the input.
$label.click(function() {
// Apply max display to the input divs.
$("#order_quantity").maxDisplay(50, "∞");
你附加一個文本輸入_inside_ a nu mber輸入! – Eric
我想這就是爲什麼我的奶奶不喜歡告訴我們她的年齡。 – hugomg
∞對'訂購量'真的有意義嗎?不要判斷你的生意或任何事情,但你的股票真的很大? – Eric