2016-02-18 11 views


列表輸入格式爲[[weight1, value1], [weight2, value2]]



def knapsack(capacity, itemList): 
    Returns the maximum value and the list of items to keep. 
    if len(itemList) == 0: 
     return 0 
    elif itemList[-1][0] > capacity: 
     return knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]) 
     return max(
      knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]), 
      knapsack(capacity-itemList[-1][0], itemList[:-1]) + itemList[-1][1]) 

print (knapsack(6, [[1, 4], [5, 150], [4, 180]])) 
# should return [184, [[1, 4], [4, 180]]] 
# returns 184 

將另一個參數添加到fnc:'knapsack(capacity,itemList,result_items = [])''。在您的fnc中相應地添加項目並將列表傳遞給遞歸調用。 – schwobaseggl


@schwobaseggl **不使用'[]'**這是一個可變類型,如果函數被再次調用,它將保留值。相反,你可以使用'result_items = None'並且實例化一個新的列表。 –


@o_o真的,注意! – schwobaseggl



我覺得一個元組實際上會更有意義,因爲你大概不會修改這個值。您可以首先注意到,如果您已經擁有這些項目,實際上不需要返回該值,因爲您可以在之後將它們相加。一種方法是使用額外的參數。 我只給你基本情況:)

def knapsack(capacity, itemList, taken): 
    Returns the maximum value and the list of items to keep. 
    if len(itemList) == 0: 
     return (0,taken) 
    elif itemList[-1][0] > capacity: 
     return (knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]), taken) 
     #you will need to compute the values first, save them, and then update the taken variable as needed depending on the max 
     return max(
      knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]), 
      knapsack(capacity-itemList[-1][0], itemList[:-1]) + itemList[-1][1]) 

print (knapsack(6, [[1, 4], [5, 150], [4, 180]])) 
# should return [184, [[1, 4], [4, 180]]] 
# returns 184 

我想你打算在函數的最後一行「取」itemList [-1]。 –


我認爲這當前會拋出一個錯誤,因爲揹包func現在需要3個參數,並在幾個地方被稱爲只有2 –


我沒有更新遞歸的情況下,但只有基本情況下:) – Untitled123



Soln(N,C) = max (Soln(N-1,C), Soln(N-1, C-W_n) + Vc) 


d = {} #maps from (itemCount, capacity) to best Value 
# (also useful for when/if you convert to dp/memoized version) 
def knapsack(capacity, itemList): 
    Returns the maximum value and the list of items to keep. 
    if len(itemList) == 0: 
     return 0 
    elif itemList[-1][0] > capacity: 
     ans = knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]) 
     d[(len(itemList), capacity)] = ans 
     return ans 
     ans = max(knapsack(capacity, itemList[:-1]), knapsack(capacity-itemList[-1][0], itemList[:-1]) + itemList[-1][1]) 
     d[(len(itemList), capacity)] = ans 
     return ans 

items = [[5, 150], [1, 4], [4, 180]] 
startCap = 6 
print knapsack(startCap, items) 

#Work Backwards 
itemNo = 3 
startCap = 6 
curValue = d[(itemNo,startCap)] 
myList = [] 

while itemNo > 0: 
    if (itemNo == 1 or curValue != d[(itemNo-1, startCap)]) and items[itemNo-1][0] < startCap: #item was included 
     myList = [itemNo] + myList 
     startCap -= items[itemNo-1][0] #subtract the capacity 
     curValue -= items[itemNo-1][1] 
    itemNo -= 1 
print myList #outputs [2,3]