使用Laravel 5.4,我有一個表隊和另一個表匹配 每場比賽都有隊主場ID和隊客場IDLaravel - 合併兩個關係給出了一個錯誤
* The matches that this team has played at home.
public function matchesHome()
return $this->hasMany('App\Match', 'team_home_id', 'id');
* The matches that this team has played away.
public function matchesAway()
return $this->hasMany('App\Match', 'team_away_id', 'id');
* The matches that this team has played.
public function matches()
$matchesPlayedHome = $this->matchesHome();
$matchesPlayedAway = $this->matchesAway();
// Merge collections and return single collection.
return $matchesPlayedHome->merge($matchesPlayedAway); // cannot get this to work | Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::merge()
我得到的錯誤是調用未定義功能合併 調用未定義的方法照亮\數據庫\查詢\生成器::合併()
請幫助 謝謝
關係方法必須返回類型照亮\數據庫的對象\ \關係
public function matches()
$matches = Team::with('matchesHome', 'matchesAway')->get();
return $matches;
可能重複[無法在Laravel的Eloquent集合上合併](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33654225/cannot-merge-on-an-eloquent-collection-in-laravel) –