var socket = io.connect('http://imageworkz.asia:8080');
// on connection to server, ask for user's name with an anonymous callback
socket.on('connect', function(){
// call the server-side function 'adduser' and send one parameter (value of prompt)
socket.emit('adduser', prompt("What's your name?"));
// listener, whenever the server emits 'updatechat', this updates the chat body
socket.on('updatechat', function (username, data) {
$('#conversation').append('<b>'+username + ':</b> ' + data + '<br>');
// listener, whenever the server emits 'updateusers', this updates the username list
socket.on('updateusers', function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
$('#users').append('<div>' + key + '</div>');
// on load of page
// when the client clicks SEND
$('#datasend').click(function() {
var message = $('#data').val();
// tell server to execute 'sendchat' and send along one parameter
socket.emit('sendchat', message);
// when the client hits ENTER on their keyboard
$('#data').keypress(function(e) {
if(e.which == 13) {