2017-01-03 22 views

此表單驗證代碼在wordpress插件中不起作用,表單直接提交,就好像onsubmit事件完全不存在一樣。 請幫助此表單驗證不適用於wordpress插件

* Plugin Name:.... 
* Description:..... 
* Version: Pre release 
* Author:.... 
* Author URI:.... 
add_action("admin_menu", "create_menus"); 

function create_menus() 
add_menu_page("cash Details", "cash Details", 4, "form-page", "cash_deals_form_page"); 

function cash_deals_form_page() 
    function validateForm() { 
     var x = document.forms["myForm"]["clientName"].value; 
     if (x == "") { 
      alert("Name must be filled out"); 
      return false; 
     } else { 
      return confirm('Do you really want to submit this entry?'); 
<div style='display:inline-block; width:48%;'> 
    <form name="myForm" method='post' onsubmit="return validateForm()" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>"> 
     Client Email (Type the Email Id of the client whom you want to allot cash): 
     <input type='text' id='input1' name='clientName' maxlength='100'> 
     <br/> Type the cash to be added in the client's account: 
     <input type='number' id='input2' name='cash' min='-10000' max='100000000'> 
     <br/> Type your comments here (optional): 
     <textarea rows='4' cols='60' name='adminComment' maxlength='500'></textarea> 
     <input type='submit' name='submit'> 

你期望什麼?請澄清細節。我想現在你的代碼是好的。 –


@Ataur Ra​​hman Munna在提交第一欄空白後,我應該會收到一條警告消息,如果填寫了第一欄,我應該在提交表單之前得到確認。 – user7324674


@ user7324674,這是行爲[我得到](http://jsbin.com/wenusodixu/edit?html,output) –


