我想要一個變量傳遞給我「主人」的佈局:Laravel 4 +可變傳遞掌握佈局
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
{{{ isset($test) ? $title:'Test no exists :) ' }}}
class DashboardController extends BaseController
public $layout = "dashboard.layouts.master";
// this throw error : Cannot call constructor
//public function __construct()
// parent::__construct();
// $this->layout->title = 'cry...';
// this throw error : Attempt to assign property of non-object
// and I understand it, coz $layout isn't an object
//public function __construct()
// $this->layout->title = 'cry...';
public function action_doIndex()
$this->layout->title = 'this is short title';
$this->layout->body = View::make('dashboard.index');
public function action_doLogin()
//$this->layout->title = 'this is short title'; // AGAIN ???
$this->layout->body = View::make('dashboard.forms.login');
public function action_doN()
// $this->layout->title = 'this is short title'; // AND OVER AGAIN ?!?!
我想設置一次$ title變量,以及我想要做的時候 - 覆蓋它。/
如何做到這一點: 現在我必須在我調用另一個方法每次設置變量?如何只爲這個'主'佈局設置$ title變量?
Symphony2有前()/()方法之後 - 有什麼laravel?
好的答案,正是我所期待的。 –