2015-10-31 94 views

我面臨的問題我無法解決一個星期。所以,我試圖做的是將圖像保存到內部存儲器中,取回它的URI並將其保存到SQLite數據庫。我的問題是,我無法從匿名的方式獲得URI稱爲方法「完成」。我無法重寫它,因爲我使用Parse API將ParseFile轉換爲Image。代碼如下:Android - 無法從匿名調用的方法獲取URI

public class DataFetch extends IntentService { 

public final String LOG_TAG = DataFetch.class.getSimpleName(); 
private TestUri mImageUri; 

public DataFetch() { 

protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { 
    //Set up background task here 
    try { 
     // Locate the class table named "Test_Images" in Parse.com 
     ParseQuery<ParseObject> queryTest = new ParseQuery<ParseObject>(
     List<ParseObject> testData = queryTest.find(); 

     //Insert the new test information into the database 
     Vector<ContentValues> cVVector = new Vector<ContentValues>(testData.size()); 

     for(ParseObject object : testData) { 
      // Create a ContentValues object to hold data which would be added to DB. 
      final ContentValues testDataValues = new ContentValues(); 
      ParseFile image = (ParseFile)object.get("image"); 
      final String imageName = object.getString("name"); 

      //Log.i("data_fetch","before inner class: "+mImageUri.getUri()); 
      if(image != null){ 
       mImageUri = new TestUri(); 
       image.getDataInBackground(new GetDataCallback() { 
        public void done(byte[] data, ParseException e) { 
         if (e == null) { 
          Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length); 
          Log.d(LOG_TAG,"Bitmap straight after creation: "+bitmap); 
          if(bitmap != null){ 
           //Set image of the event in place 
           mImageUri.setUri(saveImageToInternalStorage(bitmap, imageName)); 
           Log.i("data_fetch", "inner class: " + mImageUri.getUri()); 
           Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Bitmap straight after processing: " + bitmap + " and its length is " + data.length); 
          else { 
           Log.d(LOG_TAG, "file null?"); 
          Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ParseFile ParseException: " + e.toString()); 
      else { 
       Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ParseFile is null"); 
      Log.i("data_fetch","after inner class: "+mImageUri.getUri()); 

      // Insert the name and id of the data. 
      testDataValues.put(DataTestContract.TestFieldEntry.COL_NAME, imageName); 
      Log.i("data_fetch", "name: " + object.getString("name")); 
      testDataValues.put(DataTestContract.TestFieldEntry.COL_CAT, object.getString("Id")); 
      Log.i("data_fetch", "id: " + object.getString("Id")); 
      // Insert image URI into ContentValues object. 
      testDataValues.put(DataTestContract.TestFieldEntry.COL_URI, mImageUri.getUri()); 
      Log.i("data_fetch","image uri: "+mImageUri.getUri()); 
     //Add test data to database 
     int inserted = 0; 
     int deleted = 0; 
     // add to database 
     if (cVVector.size() > 0) { 
      ContentValues[] cvArray = new ContentValues[cVVector.size()]; 
      for(int i=0;i<cvArray.length;++i){ 
       Log.i("data_fetch","data passed to cvArray: "+cVVector.get(i)); 
       Log.i("data_fetch", "data to be inserted: " + cvArray[i]); 
      getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().bulkInsert(DataTestContract.TestFieldEntry.CONTENT_URI, cvArray); 
      //Delete old data from DB 


     Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Sync Complete. " + cVVector.size() + " Inserted. Deleted:"+deleted); 

    } catch (ParseException e) { 
     Log.e("Error", e.getMessage()); 

private String saveImageToInternalStorage(Bitmap image, String name) { 
    ContextWrapper cw = new ContextWrapper(getApplicationContext()); 
    // path to /data/data/yourapp/app_data/imageDir 
    File directory = cw.getDir("imageDir", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); 
    // Create imageDir 
    File mypath=new File(directory, name+".jpg"); 

    FileOutputStream fos = null; 
    try { 

     fos = new FileOutputStream(mypath); 

     // Use the compress method on the BitMap object to write image to the OutputStream 
     image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fos); 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
    return mypath.getAbsolutePath(); 

public static class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { 

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { 
     Intent sendIntent = new Intent(context, DataFetch.class); 




up up up up up up up up! – JDRussia


up up up up up up up! – JDRussia




var resizeImageKey = require('cloud/resize-image-key'); 
var ImageMetadata = Parse.Object.extend("ImageMetadata"); 

var NORMAL_WIDTH = 612; 
var SMALL_WIDTH = 110; 

// Resize image into various sizes before saving 
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Image", function(req, res) { 
    var original = req.object.get('sizeOriginal'); 

    Parse.Promise.as().then(function() { 
    // Create an image metadata object on creation 
    if (req.object.isNew()) { 
     var im = new ImageMetadata; 
     im.set("views", 0); 
     return im.save();  
    }).then(function(im) { 
    // Set the metadata object relationship 
    if (im) { 
     req.object.set("imageMetadata", im); 

    if (!original) { 
     return Parse.Promise.error("No original sized image file set."); 

    if (!req.object.dirty("sizeOriginal")) { 
     // The original isn't being modified. 
     return Parse.Promise.as(); 

    // Don't set blank titles 
    if (req.object.get("title").length === 0) { 

    // Resize to a normal "show" page image size 
    return resizeImageKey({ 
     object: req.object, 
     fromKey: "sizeOriginal", 
     toKey: "sizeNormal", 
     width: NORMAL_WIDTH 
    }).then(function() { 
    // Resize to a smaller size for thumbnails 
    return resizeImageKey({ 
     object: req.object, 
     fromKey: "sizeOriginal", 
     toKey: "sizeSmall", 
     width: SMALL_WIDTH, 
     crop: true 
    }).then(function(result) { 
    }, function(error) { 

// Does all the work to update metadata about an image upon a view 
Parse.Cloud.define("viewImage", function(request, response) { 
    // Use the master key to prevent clients from tampering with view count 
    var object = new ImageMetadata; 
    object.id = request.params.metadataId; 

    object.save().then(function() { 
    }, function(error) { 

我想你的方法確實有用,但是最好是用Java來看代碼,而不是用不同的語言。此外它需要編寫額外的代碼行,並沒有看到它如何解決我的問題。 – JDRussia