2013-02-06 75 views


public class Exercise : BaseModel 
    public LocalizedString Name { get; set; } 
    public virtual Muscle Muscle { get; set; } 

    public override IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) 
     if (Name == null) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Name is mandatory", new[] { "Name" }); 
      yield break; 

     if (Name.French == null || Name.French.Length < 3) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Exercise's French name must be over 3 characters"); 

     if (Name.English == null || Name.English.Length < 3) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Exercise's English name must be over 3 characters"); 

     if (Muscle == null) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Exercice must be assigned to a muscle"); 

public class Muscle : BaseModel 
    public LocalizedString Name { get; set; } 
    public ICollection<Exercise> Exercises { get; set; } 
    public override IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) 
     if (Name == null) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Name is mandatory", new[] { "Name" }); 
      yield break; 

     if (Name.French == null || Name.French.Length < 3) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Muscle's French name must be over 3 characters"); 

     if (Name.English == null || Name.English.Length < 3) 
      yield return new ValidationResult("Muscle's English name must be over 3 characters"); 

//--- This is the code into the repository: 
public int Insert(Exercise entity) 
    if (entity.Muscle != null) 
     var localExercise = DatabaseContext.Set<Muscle>().Local.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == entity.Muscle.Id); 
     if (localExercise != null) 

    return DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); 

我正在保存練習。練習包含一個名稱,肌肉設置有一個有效的ID,但不包含任何名稱。這就是爲什麼,當我保存時,驗證發生在Entity Framework內部,告訴我該名稱是Muscle對象所必需的。





您應該在控制器和視圖之間使用ViewModel。這樣你可以保持你的模型不存在。比使用AutoMapper將ViewModel屬性映射到控制器中的回發模型。 ViewModel可以定義你的驗證規則並實現IValidatableObject。你也可以定義你所有的ViewModel都沒有底層實體。這會讓多餘的實體和屬性超出您的視野。確保在if(ModelState.IsValid)檢查後使用AutoMapper將ViewModel映射到模型。


我有ViewModel。這不是問題。問題是關於模型的IValidatableObject。當保存模型時,EF會自動調用接口進行驗證。 –