我很欣賞這是一個業餘問題,但我不習慣VB和它的語法。Excel VB for循環沒有遍歷if語句
Private Sub cmdProductListContinue_Click()
'Declare variabless
Dim i, duration, qty, outputX, outputY
'Set initial values
duration = 120 'Used to determine number of iterations in for loop (no. of QTY cells we are to check)
i = 3 'Used as cell co-ordinates to pull information from
outputX = 17 'Used as cell co-ordinates to output information
'Populate invoice with product info by iterating through all QTY cells and pulling across info if needed
For i = 3 To duration
'Reset quantity to zero each time
qty = 0
'Set quantity to the value in the QTY cell
Set qty = Worksheets("ProductList").Cells(i, 3)
'If there is a quantity value present
If qty > 0 Then
'Insert quantity value into appropriate cell in quote sheet
Worksheets("Quote").Cells(outputX, 2) = qty
'Insert description into quote sheet
Worksheets("Quote").Cells(outputX, 3) = Worksheets("ProductList").Cells(i, 2)
'Insert unit price into quote sheet
Worksheets("Quote").Cells(outputX, 4) = Worksheets("ProductList").Cells(i, 4)
'Increment the output co-ordinates to the next line
outputX = outputX + 1
End If
Next i
'Open quote sheet
End Sub
是否'outputX = outputX + 1'出現執行?我問,因爲你只提到「完全錯過了其他兩條輸出線」。其中不包括輸出增量X – 2011-05-31 15:05:21
是的,它也漏掉了輸出X的增量。它永遠不會前進: 工作表(「Quote」)。單元格(outputX,2)=數量 – Frank 2011-05-31 15:34:56
我已更新代碼以獲取地址bpgergo關於增量問題的觀點。 – Frank 2011-05-31 15:37:16