// Resize panels to normal
base.returnToNormal = function(num, time){
var panels = base.$panels.not(':eq(' + (num - base.adj) + ')').removeClass(o.currentPanel);
if (o.reducedSize === 1) {
panels.css({ width: base.regWidth }); // excluding fontsize change to prevent video flicker
} else {
panels.stop(true,false).animate({ width: base.regWidth, fontSize: o.reducedSize + 'em' , opacity: 0 }, (time === 0) ? 0 : o.speed);
// Zoom in on selected panel
base.growBigger = function(num, time, flag){
var panels = base.$panels.eq(num - base.adj);
if (o.reducedSize === 1) {
panels.css({ width: base.curWidth }); // excluding fontsize change to prevent video flicker
// time delay prevents click outer panel from following links - fixes issue #67
base.completed(num, flag);
}, (time === 0) ? 0 : o.speed);
} else {
panels.stop(true,false).animate({ width: base.curWidth, fontSize: '1em', opacity: 1 }, (time === 0) ? 0 : o.speed, function(){
// completed event trigger
// even though animation is not queued, trigger is here because it is the last animation to complete
base.completed(num, flag);