2017-08-08 59 views

您好我是nodejs的新手,我嘗試重定向到一個新頁面以顯示單個記錄,當我點擊編輯按鈕時。我不確定路線如何工作。 如果我瀏覽到: http://localhost:1337/我看到一個包含所有用戶的表格。我添加了一個說編輯的列,但是當我點擊編輯時,我試圖運行一個查找記錄然後打開帕格頁的函數:localhost:1337/userInfo。如何在nodejs中打開一個新頁面並顯示用戶數據



router.get('/findOneUser/:id', function (req, res) { 

var db = req.db; 
var id = req.params.id; 
var reg = new RegExp(id) 
var collection = db.get('userlist'); 
ccollection.find({ '_id': { $regex: reg }}, function (e, docs) { 



function populateTable(newuser) { 

// Empty content string 
var tableContent = ''; 
Json = '/users/userlist'; 

//Compile getJSON Statement 
if (newuser !== '') { 

    Json = '/users/findUser/' + newuser; 


// jQuery AJAX call for JSON 
$.getJSON(Json, function (data){ 
    // Stick our user data array into a userlist variable in the global object 
    userListData = data; 
    // For each item in our JSON, add a table row and cells to the content string 
    $.each(data, function() { 
     //Get the date from MongoDB and convert to local format 
     var dt = new Date(this.DOB).toLocaleDateString(); 

     tableContent += '<tr>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkshowuser" rel="' + this.username + '">' + this.username + '</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td>' + this.email + '</td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td>' + dt + '</td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkdeleteuser" rel="' + this._id + '">delete</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkupdateuser" rel="' + this._id + '">edit</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '</tr>'; 

    // Inject the whole content string into our existing HTML table 
    $('#userList table tbody').html(tableContent); 




首先,你有一個錯字你users.js 裏面的意思是

var collection = db.get('userlist'); 
collection.find({ '_id': { $regex: reg }}, function (e, docs) { 


// Of course, I assume you're using Mongoose 
var collection = db.get('userlist'); 
collection.findOne({ '_id': { $regex: reg }}, function (e, docs) { 


$.getJSON(Json, function (data){ 
    // Stick our user data array into a userlist variable in the global object 
    userListData = data; 
    // For each item in our JSON, add a table row and cells to the content string 
    $.each(data, function() { 
     //Get the date from MongoDB and convert to local format 
     var dt = new Date(this.DOB).toLocaleDateString(); 

     tableContent += '<tr>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkshowuser" rel="' + this.username + '">' + this.username + '</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td>' + this.email + '</td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td>' + dt + '</td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href="#" class="linkdeleteuser" rel="' + this._id + '">delete</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '<td><a href=/findOneUser/'+ this._id +' class="linkupdateuser" rel="' + this._id + '">edit</a></td>'; 
     tableContent += '</tr>'; 

    // Inject the whole content string into our existing HTML table 
    $('#userList table tbody').html(tableContent); 