2012-06-27 124 views


lv.Click += HandleSelect 

lv.ItemClick += HandleSelect 

lv.ChildClick += HandleSelect 

lv.ItemSelected += HandleSelect 

lv.SetOnChildClickListener(new ChildClick) 


void HandleSelect(Object o, EventArgs e) 
    var obj = o; //Breakpoint set here and it never breaks for any of the above; 


class ChildClick : ExpandableListView.IOnChildClickListener 
public void Dispose() 


     public IntPtr Handle 
      get { return new IntPtr(0); } 

     public bool OnChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View clickedView, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) 
      var clicked = clickedView; //Breakpoint set here, never breaks; 
      return true; 


class MarketAdapter : BaseExpandableListAdapter 
    private readonly Context _context; 
    private readonly string[] _stores; 
    private readonly List<string> _storeList = new List<string>(); 
    private readonly List<List<Call>> _calls = new List<List<Call>>(); 

    public MarketAdapter(Context context, IEnumerable<Call> calls) 
     _context = context; 

     List<Call> marketCalls = 
      (from c in calls 
      where c.InProgress == "0" 
      select new Call() {CallNumber = c.CallNumber, ServiceType = c.ServiceType, Priority = c.Priority, Address = c.Address, City = c.City, Contact = c.Contact, Description = c.Description, Phone = c.Phone, Site = c.Site, State = c.State}).ToList(); 

     foreach (IGrouping<string, Call> stores in marketCalls.GroupBy(s => s.Site)) 
      _storeList.Add(stores.Key + "," + stores.First().City + "," + stores.First().State); 
      List<List<Call>> callgroup = new List<List<Call>>(); 
      List<Call> call = new List<Call>(from c in stores select new Call() {CallNumber = c.CallNumber, ServiceType = c.ServiceType, Priority = c.Priority, Description = c.Description}); 
     _stores = _storeList.ToArray(); 

    public override Object GetChild(int groupPosition, int childPosition) 
     return null; 

    public override long GetChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) 
     return childPosition; 

    public override int GetChildrenCount(int groupPosition) 
     return _calls.ElementAt(groupPosition).Count; 

    public override View GetChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, bool isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) 
     List<Call> callList = _calls.ElementAt(groupPosition); 
     Call _call = callList.ElementAt(childPosition); 

     if (convertView == null) 
      LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) _context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService); 
      convertView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.listviewchild, null); 

     TextView call = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.Call); 
     call.Text = _call.CallNumber; 
     TextView type = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.Type); 
     type.Text = _call.ServiceType; 
     TextView priority = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.Priority); 
     priority.Text = _call.Priority; 
     TextView description = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.Description); 
     description.Text = _call.Description; 

     return convertView; 

    public override Object GetGroup(int groupPosition) 
     return _stores[groupPosition]; 

    public override long GetGroupId(int groupPosition) 
     return groupPosition; 

    public override View GetGroupView(int groupPosition, bool isExpanded, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) 
     string[] info = _stores[groupPosition].Split(new [] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); 
     string _site = info[0]; 
     string _city = info[1]; 
     string _state = info[2]; 

     if (convertView == null) 
      LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) _context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService); 
      convertView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.listviewparent, null); 

     TextView site = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.Site); 
     site.Text = _site; 
     TextView city = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.City); 
     city.Text = _city; 
     TextView state = (TextView) convertView.FindViewById(Resource.Id.State); 
     state.Text = _state; 

     return convertView; 

    public override bool IsChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition) 
     return true; 

    public override int GroupCount 
     get { return _stores.Length; } 

    public override bool HasStableIds 
     get { return true; } 

編輯BaseExpandableListAdapter:也只是試圖解決此說明OnChildClick inside ExpandableListActivity does not fire通過設置佈局和我所有的Te在listviewchild.axml中,xtView可將焦點屬性設置爲false,但它仍不會觸發偵聽器。




void HandleSelect(Object o, EventArgs e) 
    //do something 

void HandleSelect(object o, ExpandableListView.ChildClickEventArgs e) 
    //do something 



我很難在Xamarin.Android中實現ExpandableListView onClick,你使用了:SetOnChildClickListener? – Signcodeindie



lv.setOnChildClickListener(new ExpandableListView.OnChildClickListener() { 
     public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id) 

ChildClick是一個ExpandableListView.IOnChildClickListener。 – jmease


永遠不要說它不是。但是,我的答案適用於我,所以試試看看會發生什麼。 – Barak


該語法在MonoDroid中不起作用。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6876538/how-to-make-an-animation-listener-in-monodroid – jmease





